Github user zhangminglei commented on the issue: Since Saturday and Sunday, sorry for later. Thanks @zentol . I need confirm some points here with you before I getting start again with this issue. 1. I have to create an actual quickstart project. Hmm, Is this a project or a maven module ? And where do I created for that ? If it is a project(sounds weird because all in flink belongs to maven module), I think I should use command in bash to create this project. And the bash command is ```curl | bash```. As the position for this project, Is it suitable put it to ```flink-end-to-end-tests``` folder ? 2. Verification issue. verify that no core dependencies are contained in the jar file. I do not understand very well here. Is that mean we should check the jar file that no flink-core dependencies in the jar file since there is already have that in flink cluster set up. If we still have flink-core dependency in the jar file, that would cause the jar file very big size. I understand correct ? So, we need have a check here. 3. The job could fail outright, yet the test will still succeed. I also do not understand very well. This means I need make the job ```StreamExecutionEnvironment#enableCheckpointing``` in code ? If I am wrong, please helps me out here. Thank you in advance. @zentol