Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/ ---
    @@ -39,6 +39,93 @@ cd $TEST_ROOT
     export TEST_DATA_DIR=$TEST_INFRA_DIR/temp-test-directory-$(date +%S%N)
    +function revert_default_config() {
    +    sed 's/^    //g' > ${FLINK_DIR}/conf/flink-conf.yaml << EOL
    +    # Common
    +    jobmanager.rpc.address: localhost
    +    jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
    +    jobmanager.heap.mb: 1024
    +    taskmanager.heap.mb: 1024
    +    taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 1
    +    parallelism.default: 1
    +    # Web Frontend
    +    web.port: 8081
    +function create_ha_conf() {
    +    # create the masters file (only one currently).
    +    # This must have all the masters to be used in HA.
    +    echo "localhost:8081" > ${FLINK_DIR}/conf/masters
    +    # then move on to create the flink-conf.yaml
    +    if [ -e $TEST_DATA_DIR/recovery ]; then
    +       echo "File ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/recovery exists. Deleting it..."
    +       rm -rf $TEST_DATA_DIR/recovery
    +    fi
    +    sed 's/^    //g' > ${FLINK_DIR}/conf/flink-conf.yaml << EOL
    +    # Common
    +    jobmanager.rpc.address: localhost
    +    jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
    +    jobmanager.heap.mb: 1024
    +    taskmanager.heap.mb: 1024
    +    taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 4
    +    parallelism.default: 1
    +    # High Availability
    +    high-availability: zookeeper
    +    high-availability.zookeeper.storageDir: 
    +    high-availability.zookeeper.quorum: localhost:2181
    +    high-availability.zookeeper.path.root: /flink
    +    high-availability.cluster-id: /test_cluster_one
    +    # Web Frontend
    +    web.port: 8081
    +function start_ha_cluster {
    +    echo "Setting up HA Cluster..."
    +    create_ha_conf
    +    start_local_zk
    +    start_cluster
    +function start_local_zk {
    +    while read server ; do
    +        server=$(echo -e "${server}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 
's/[[:space:]]*$//') # trim
    +        # match[:port[:port]]
    +        if [[ $server =~ ^server\.([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*\=[[:space:]]*([^: 
\#]+) ]]; then
    +            id=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
    +            address=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
    --- End diff --
    `address` seems to be unused


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