Github user aljoscha commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/dev/stream/operators/ ---
    @@ -242,4 +242,17 @@ class CountWithTimeoutFunction extends 
ProcessFunction[(String, String), (String
     the current processing time as event-time timestamp. This behavior is very 
subtle and might not be noticed by users. Well, it's
     harmful because processing-time timestamps are indeterministic and not 
aligned with watermarks. Besides, user-implemented logic
     depends on this wrong timestamp highly likely is unintendedly faulty. So 
we've decided to fix it. Upon upgrading to 1.4.0, Flink jobs
    -that are using this incorrect event-time timestamp will fail, and users 
should adapt their jobs to the correct logic.
    \ No newline at end of file
    +that are using this incorrect event-time timestamp will fail, and users 
should adapt their jobs to the correct logic.
    +## The KeyedProcessFunction
    +`KeyedProcessFunction`, as an extension of `ProcessFunction`, gives access 
to the key of timers in its `onTimer(...)`
    +{% highlight java %}
    +public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext<K> ctx, Collector<OUT> 
out) throws Exception {
    --- End diff --
    I believe this is now `public void onTimer(long timestamp, 
OnTimerContext<K> ctx, Collector<OUT> out)`, right? @kl0u you could fix this 
while merging.


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