Github user walterddr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1393,6 +1393,21 @@ object AggregateUtil {
                 throw new TableException(s"unsupported Function: 
    +      // create distinct accumulator delegate
    +      if (aggregateCall.isDistinct) {
    --- End diff --
    Good point. Actually there's a very interesting question I've been thinking 
- This AggFunction literally is the distinct version of the  
`CollectAggFunction`, however it cannot exist by itself unless chained with 
other `realAgg` functions --> this means we will need to chain 
`DistinctAggFunction` with `CollectAggFunction` which just dont make sense. I 
will try some other approach and see if they work.


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