Github user pnowojski commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -183,6 +183,14 @@ public Long map(Long value) throws Exception {
                // verify self union
assertTrue(streamGraph.getStreamNode(selfUnion.getId()).getInEdges().size() == 
    +           assertTrue(streamGraph.getUniqueEdgeMap().size() == 12);
    --- End diff --
    Can not it be tested otherwise? This test shouldn't have an access to 
`getUniqueEdgeMap()` since that should be a part of the private implementation. 
If one chooses to implement this feature differently, this test would brake. 
    Can not this test just check that 
 selfUnion.getId())` contains two unique edges?
    Side note, shouldn't the `getStreamEdges()` return a `Set<StreamEdge>` 
instead of `List`?


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