Github user NicoK commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -52,6 +54,10 @@
        /** Flag indicating whether the subpartition has been released. */
        private volatile boolean isReleased;
    +   /** The number of non-event buffers currently in this subpartition */
    +   @GuardedBy("buffers")
    +   private volatile int buffersInBacklog;
    --- End diff --
    Your absolutely right about not counting events . Therefore, we cannot use 
the queue's size  as I suggested.
    Yes, `BufferAndAvailability` would need to be extended as well.
    This integration/split of the spillable/spilled subpartitions and 
subpartition views and both of them working on the same structures requiring 
the same synchronisation pattern is imho really not nice and highly fragile. 
@pnowojski and me are currently re-designing the synchronisation in these parts 
of the code and are a bit sensitive to it now so let's drag him into this 
discussion as well: I would consider `PipelinedSubpartition` the hot path where 
we need to optimise most - spillable subpartitions are used in batch mode and 
have higher tolerances, especially when spilling to disk. if you returned the 
new backlog counter in `SpillableSubpartition#decreaseBuffersInBacklog()` 
however (retrieved under the `synchronized (buffers)` section), then you would 
not need the `volatile` either since you are already under the lock.


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