Github user ChrisChinchilla commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/ ---
    @@ -23,19 +24,17 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
     under the License.
     This documentation is for Apache Flink version {{ site.version_title }}. 
These pages were built at: {% build_time %}.
     Apache Flink is an open source platform for distributed stream and batch 
data processing. Flink’s core is a streaming dataflow engine that provides 
data distribution, communication, and fault tolerance for distributed 
computations over data streams. Flink builds batch processing on top of the 
streaming engine, overlaying native iteration support, managed memory, and 
program optimization.
     ## First Steps
    -- **Concepts**: Start with the basic concepts of Flink's [Dataflow 
Programming Model](concepts/programming-model.html) and [Distributed Runtime 
Environment](concepts/runtime.html). This will help you understand other parts 
of the documentation, including the setup and programming guides. We 
recommended you read these sections first.
    +-   **Concepts**: We recommend you start with the basic concepts of 
Flink's [Dataflow Programming Model](concepts/programming-model.html) and 
[Distributed Runtime Environment](concepts/runtime.html). This will help you 
understand other parts of the documentation, including the setup and 
programming guides.
    -- **Quickstarts**: [Run an example 
program](quickstart/setup_quickstart.html) on your local machine or [study some 
    +-   **Quickstarts**: [Run an example 
program](quickstart/setup_quickstart.html) on your local machine or [study some 
    -- **Programming Guides**: You can read our guides about [basic API 
concepts](dev/api_concepts.html) and the [DataStream 
API](dev/datastream_api.html) or the [DataSet API](dev/batch/index.html) to 
learn how to write your first Flink programs.
    +-   **Programming Guides**: You can read our guides about [basic API 
concepts](dev/api_concepts.html), the [DataStream API](dev/datastream_api.html) 
or the [DataSet API](dev/batch/index.html) to learn how to write your first 
Flink programs.
    --- End diff --
    @greghogan No, this was an attempt to make the whole passage flow better as 
it says…
    > xxx and yyy or zzz
    So I was attempting to seperate out the two parts of the paragraph, better 
may be…
    > **Programming Guides**: You can read our guides about [basic API 
concepts](dev/api_concepts.html), the [DataStream 
API](dev/datastream_api.html), and the [DataSet API](dev/batch/index.html) to 
learn how to write your first Flink programs.
    Then it's an oxford comma, but that's stylistic.


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