Github user aljoscha commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: flink-filesystems/flink-s3-fs-presto/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
    +This project is a wrapper around the S3 file system from the Presto 
project which shades all dependencies.
    +Initial simple tests seem to indicate that it responds slightly faster
    +and in a bit more lightweight manner to write/read/list requests, compared
    +to the Hadoop s3a FS, but it has some semantic differences.
    +We also relocate the shaded Hadoop version to allow running in a different
    +setup. For this to work, however, we needed to adapt Hadoop's 
    +class to load a (shaded) `core-default-shaded.xml` configuration with the
    +relocated class names of classes loaded via reflection
    +(in the fute, we may need to extend this to `mapred-default.xml` and 
`hdfs-defaults.xml` and their respective configuration classes).
    --- End diff --
    nit: "fute"


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