
Thalita Vergilio updated FLINK-7965:
This happens even when the nodes are in the same subnet.

I am using the Docker-Flink project in: 

I am creating the services with the following commands: 
{quote}docker network create -d overlay overlay 
docker service create --name jobmanager --env 
JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager -p 8081:8081 --network overlay --constraint 
'node.hostname == ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink jobmanager 
docker service create --name taskmanager --env 
JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager --network overlay --constraint 
'node.hostname != ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink taskmanager {quote}

I wonder if there's any configuration I'm missing. This is the error I get: 
{quote} Trying to register at JobManager akka.tcp://flink@jobmanager:6123/   
user/jobmanager (attempt 4, timeout: 4000 milliseconds) {quote}

This happens even when the nodes are in the same subnet.

I am using the Docker-Flink project in: 

I am creating the services with the following commands: 
docker network create -d overlay overlay 
docker service create --name jobmanager --env 
JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager -p 8081:8081 --network overlay --constraint 
'node.hostname == ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink jobmanager 
docker service create --name taskmanager --env 
JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager --network overlay --constraint 
'node.hostname != ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink taskmanager 

I wonder if there's any configuration I'm missing. This is the error I get: 
- Trying to register at JobManager akka.tcp://flink@jobmanager:6123/   
user/jobmanager (attempt 4, timeout: 4000 milliseconds) 

> Docker-Flink: TaskManagers can't find JobManager when in different nodes in 
> Docker Swarm
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-7965
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7965
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Docker
>    Affects Versions: 1.3.2
>         Environment: node: ubuntu-swarm-master
> Azure VM Standard D4s v3 (4 vcpus, 16 GB memory)
> Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
> node: azure-swarm-worker-1
> Azure VM Standard D2 v2 Promo (2 vcpus, 7 GB memory)
> Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
> Flink: using image 1.3.2-hadoop2-scala_2.10
>            Reporter: Thalita Vergilio
>            Priority: Major
> This happens even when the nodes are in the same subnet.
> I am using the Docker-Flink project in: 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/tree/master/flink-contrib/docker-flink
> I am creating the services with the following commands: 
> {quote}docker network create -d overlay overlay 
> docker service create --name jobmanager --env 
> JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager -p 8081:8081 --network overlay 
> --constraint 'node.hostname == ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink jobmanager 
> docker service create --name taskmanager --env 
> JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager --network overlay --constraint 
> 'node.hostname != ubuntu-swarm-manager' flink taskmanager {quote}
> I wonder if there's any configuration I'm missing. This is the error I get: 
> {quote} Trying to register at JobManager akka.tcp://flink@jobmanager:6123/   
> user/jobmanager (attempt 4, timeout: 4000 milliseconds) {quote}

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