Github user zentol commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -39,12 +39,15 @@
      * <p>If the query parameters do not contain a "get" parameter the list of 
all metrics is returned.
      * {@code [ { "id" : "X" } ] }
    - * <p>If the query parameters do contain a "get" parameter a 
comma-separate list of metric names is expected as a value.
    - * {@code /get?X,Y}
    + * <p>If the query parameters do contain a "get" parameter, a 
comma-separated list of metric names is expected as a value.
    + * {@code /metrics?get=X,Y}
      * The handler will then return a list containing the values of the 
requested metrics.
      * {@code [ { "id" : "X", "value" : "S" }, { "id" : "Y", "value" : "T" } ] 
     public abstract class AbstractMetricsHandler extends 
AbstractJsonRequestHandler {
    --- End diff --
    This will be resolved once we port it to the new REST stuff anyway, as they 
will then reside in the repsective parameter/header classes.


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