Github user xccui commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/dev/table/ ---
    @@ -1031,19 +1034,22 @@ val result = in.orderBy('a.asc);
    -        <strong>Limit</strong><br>
    +        <strong>Offset &amp; Fetch</strong><br>
             <span class="label label-primary">Batch</span>
    -        <p>Similar to a SQL LIMIT clause. Limits a sorted result to a 
specified number of records from an offset position. Limit is technically part 
of the Order By operator and thus must be preceded by it.</p>
    +        <p>Similar to the SQL OFFSET and FETCH clauses. Offset and Fetch 
limit the number of records returned from a sorted result. Offset and Fetch are 
technically part of the Order By operator and thus must be preceded by it.</p>
     {% highlight scala %}
    -val in = ds.toTable(tableEnv, 'a, 'b, 'c);
    -val result = in.orderBy('a.asc).limit(3); // returns unlimited number of 
records beginning with the 4th record
    -{% endhighlight %}
    -{% highlight scala %}
    -val in = ds.toTable(tableEnv, 'a, 'b, 'c);
    -val result = in.orderBy('a.asc).limit(3, 5); // returns 5 records 
beginning with the 4th record
    +val in = ds.toTable(tableEnv, 'a, 'b, 'c)
    +// returns the first 5 records from the sorted result
    +val result1: Table = in.orderBy('a.asc).fetch(5)
    +// returns all records beginning with the 4th record from the sorted result
    +val result2: Table = in.orderBy('a.asc).offset(3)
    +// returns the first 5 records beginning with the 10th record from the 
sorted result
    --- End diff --
    Should be 11th?


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