Github user suez1224 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
flink-yarn/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/yarn/ ---
    @@ -227,13 +241,19 @@ public void startNewWorker(ResourceProfile 
resourceProfile) {
    -   public void stopWorker(ResourceID resourceID) {
    -           // TODO: Implement to stop the worker
    +   public void stopWorker(YarnWorkerNode workerNode) {
    +           workerNodeMap.remove(workerNode.getResourceID().toString());
    --- End diff --
    Since we will need to keep workerNodeMap anyway, we can actually just look 
up the containerId using resourceId from workerNodeMap, there is no need to 
calculate the containerId from resourceId, so I think we dont need to use 
ContainerId.fromString. Also, copying the code will have compatibility issue if 
the fromString method differ in different hadoop version. What do you think?


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