Github user aljoscha commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/start/ ---
    @@ -115,19 +115,7 @@ The `-Pvendor-repos` activates a Maven [build 
     Flink has APIs, libraries, and runtime modules written in 
[Scala]( Users of the Scala API and libraries may have 
to match the Scala version of Flink with the Scala version of their projects 
(because Scala is not strictly backwards compatible).
    -**By default, Flink is built with the Scala 2.11**. To build Flink with 
Scala *2.10*, you can change the default Scala *binary version* by using 
*scala-2.10* build profile:
    -# Build with Scala version 2.10
    -mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pscala-2.10
    -To build against custom Scala versions, you need to define new custom 
build profile that will override *scala.version* and *scala.binary.version* 
    -Flink is developed against Scala *2.11* and tested additionally against 
Scala *2.10*. These two versions are known to be compatible. Earlier versions 
(like Scala *2.9*) are *not* compatible.
    --- End diff --
    Yes, I don't explicitly say what we're compatible with now. In fact we only 
support 2.11 now, supporting 2.12 is a bit harder than I though.


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