
Fabian Hueske commented on FLINK-6219:

Hi [~phoenixjiangnan],
I think this feature would be very valuable for many use cases and would like 
to keep this issue open.
Can you point me to a discussion that agreed to not have a sorted state? 

Thanks, Fabian

> Add a state backend which supports sorting
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-6219
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6219
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: State Backends, Checkpointing, Table API & SQL
>            Reporter: sunjincheng
> When we implement the OVER window of 
> [FLIP11|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-11%3A+Table+API+Stream+Aggregations]
> We notice that we need a state backend which supports sorting, allows for 
> efficient insertion, traversal in order, and removal from the head. 
> For example: In event-time OVER window, we need to sort by time,If the datas 
> as follow:
> {code}
> (1L, 1, Hello)
> (2L, 2, Hello)
> (5L, 5, Hello)
> (4L, 4, Hello)
> {code}
> We randomly insert the datas, just like:
> {code}
> put((2L, 2, Hello)),put((1L, 1, Hello)),put((5L, 5, Hello)),put((4L, 4, 
> Hello)),
> {code}
> We deal with elements in time order:
> {code}
> process((1L, 1, Hello)),process((2L, 2, Hello)),process((4L, 4, 
> Hello)),process((5L, 5, Hello))
> {code}
> Welcome anyone to give feedback,And what do you think? [~xiaogang.shi] 
> [~aljoscha] [~fhueske] 

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