
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-7449:

Github user alpinegizmo commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: docs/ops/state/checkpoints.md ---
    @@ -99,3 +99,296 @@ above).
     $ bin/flink run -s :checkpointMetaDataPath [:runArgs]
    +## Incremental Checkpoints
    +### Synopsis
    +Incremental checkpoints can significantly reduce checkpointing time in 
comparison to full checkpoints, at the cost of a
    +(potentially) longer recovery time. The core idea is that incremental 
checkpoints only record changes in state since the
    +previously-completed checkpoint instead of producing a full, 
self-contained backup of the state backend. In this way,
    +incremental checkpoints can build upon previous checkpoints.
    +RocksDBStateBackend is currently the only backend that supports 
incremental checkpoints.
    +Flink leverages RocksDB's internal backup mechanism in a way that is 
self-consolidating over time. As a result, the
    +incremental checkpoint history in Flink does not grow indefinitely, and 
old checkpoints are eventually subsumed and
    +pruned automatically.
    +``While we strongly encourage the use of incremental checkpoints for Flink 
jobs with large state, please note that this is
    +a new feature and currently not enabled by default``.
    +To enable this feature, users can instantiate a `RocksDBStateBackend` with 
the corresponding boolean flag in the
    +constructor set to `true`, e.g.:
    +   RocksDBStateBackend backend =
    +       new RocksDBStateBackend(filebackend, true);
    +### Use-case for Incremental Checkpoints
    +Checkpoints are the centrepiece of Flink’s fault tolerance mechanism and 
each checkpoint represents a consistent
    +snapshot of the distributed state of a Flink job from which the system can 
recover in case of a software or machine
    +failure (see [here]({{ site.baseurl 
    +Flink creates checkpoints periodically to track the progress of a job so 
that, in case of failure, only those
    +(hopefully few) *events that have been processed after the last completed 
checkpoint* must be reprocessed from the data
    +source. The number of events that must be reprocessed has implications for 
recovery time, and so for fastest recovery,
    +we want to *take checkpoints as often as possible*.
    +However, checkpoints are not without performance cost and can introduce 
*considerable overhead* to the system. This
    +overhead can lead to lower throughput and higher latency during the time 
that checkpoints are created. One reason is
    +that, traditionally, each checkpoint in Flink always represented the 
*complete state* of the job at the time of the
    +checkpoint, and all of the state had to be written to stable storage 
(typically some distributed file system) for every
    +single checkpoint. Writing multiple terabytes (or more) of state data for 
each checkpoint can obviously create
    +significant load for the I/O and network subsystems, on top of the normal 
load from pipeline’s data processing work.
    +Before incremental checkpoints, users were stuck with a suboptimal 
tradeoff between recovery time and checkpointing
    +overhead. Fast recovery and low checkpointing overhead were conflicting 
goals. And this is exactly the problem that
    +incremental checkpoints solve.
    +### Basics of Incremental Checkpoints
    +In this section, for the sake of getting the concept across, we will 
briefly discuss the idea behind incremental
    +checkpoints in a simplified manner.
    +Our motivation for incremental checkpointing stemmed from the observation 
that it is often wasteful to write the full
    +state of a job for every single checkpoint. In most cases, the state 
between two checkpoints is not drastically
    +different, and only a fraction of the state data is modified and some new 
data added. Instead of writing the full state
    +into each checkpoint again and again, we could record only changes in 
state since the previous checkpoint. As long as we
    +have the previous checkpoint and the state changes for the current 
checkpoint, we can restore the full, current state
    +for the job. This is the basic principle of incremental checkpoints, that 
each checkpoint can build upon a history of
    +previous checkpoints to avoid writing redundant information.
    +Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea of incremental checkpointing in 
comparison to full checkpointing.
    +The state of the job evolves over time and for checkpoints ``CP 1`` to 
``CP 2``, a full checkpoint is simply a copy of the whole
    +<p class="text-center">
    +   <img alt="Figure 1: Full Checkpoints vs Incremental Checkpoints" 
width="80%" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/fig/incremental_cp_basic.svg"/>
    +With incremental checkpointing, each checkpoint contains only the state 
change since the previous checkpoint.
    +* For the first checkpoint ``CP 1``, there is no difference between a full 
checkpoint and the complete state at the time the
    +checkpoint is written.
    +* For ``CP 2``, incremental checkpointing will write only the changes 
since ``CP 1``: the value for ``K1`` has changed and a mapping
    +for ``K3`` was added.
    +* For checkpoint ``CP 3``, incremental checkpointing only records the 
changes since ``CP 2``.
    +Notice that, unlike in full checkpoints, we also must record changes that 
delete state in an incremental checkpoint, as
    +in the case of ``K0``. In this simple example, we can see how incremental 
checkpointing can reduce the amount of data that
    +is written for each checkpoint.
    +The next interesting question: how does restoring from incremental 
checkpoints compare to restoring from full
    +checkpoints? Restoring a full checkpoint is as simple as loading all the 
data from the checkpoint back into the job
    +state because full checkpoints are self-contained. In contrast, to restore 
an incremental checkpoint, we need to replay
    +the history of all incremental checkpoints that are in the reference chain 
of the checkpoint we are trying to restore.
    +In our example from Figure 1, those connections are represented by the 
orange arrows. If we want to restore ``CP 3``, as a
    +first step, we need to apply all the changes of ``CP 1`` to the empty 
initial job state. On top of that, we apply the
    +changes from ``CP 2``, and then the changes from ``CP 3``.
    +A different way to think about basic incremental checkpoints is to imagine 
it as a changelog with some aggregation. What
    +we mean by aggregated is that for example, if the state under key ``K1`` 
is overwritten multiple times between two
    +consecutive checkpoints, we will only record the latest state value at the 
time in the checkpoint. All previous changes
    +are thereby subsumed.
    +This leads us to the discussion of the potential *disadvantages* of 
incremental checkpoints compared to full checkpoints.
    +While we save work in writing checkpoints, we have to do more work in 
reading the data from multiple checkpoints on
    +recovery. Furthermore, we can no longer simply delete old checkpoints 
because new checkpoints rely upon them and the
    +history of old checkpoints can grow indefinitely over time (like a 
    +At this point, it looks like we didn’t gain too much from incremental 
checkpoints because we are again trading between
    +checkpointing overhead and recovery time. Fortunately, there are ways to 
improve on this naive approach to recovery. One
    +simple and obvious way to restrict recovery time and the length of the 
checkpoint history is to write a full checkpoint
    +from time to time. We can drop all checkpoints prior to the most recent 
full checkpoint, and the full checkpoint can
    +serve as a new basis for future incremental checkpoints.
    +Our actual implementation of incremental checkpoints in Flink is more 
involved and designed to address a number of
    +different tradeoffs. Our incremental checkpointing restricts the size of 
the checkpoint history and therefore never
    +needs take a full checkpoint to keep recovery efficiently! We present more 
detail about this in the next section, but
    +the high level idea is to accept a small amount of redundant state writing 
to incrementally introduce
    +merged/consolidated replacements for previous checkpoints. For now, you 
can think about Flink’s approach as stretching
    +out and distributing the consolidation work over several incremental 
checkpoints, instead of doing it all at once in a
    +full checkpoint. Every incremental checkpoint can contribute a share for 
consolidation. We also track when old
    +checkpoints data becomes obsolete and then prune the checkpoint history 
over time.
    +### Incremental Checkpoints in Flink
    +In the previous section, we discussed that incremental checkpointing is 
mainly about recording all effective state
    +modifications between checkpoints. This poses certain requirements on the 
underlying data structures in the state
    +backend that manages the job’s state. It goes without saying that the data 
structure should always provide a decent
    +read-write performance to keep state access swift. At the same time, for 
incremental checkpointing, the state backend
    +must be able to efficiently detect and iterate state modifications since 
the previous checkpoint.
    +One data structure that is very well-suited for this use case is the 
*log-structured-merge (LSM) tree* that is the core
    +data structure in Flink’s RocksDB-based state backend. Without going into 
too much detail, the write path of RocksDB
    +already roughly resembles a changelog with some pre-aggregation — which 
perfectly fits the needs of incremental
    +checkpoints. On top of that, RocksDB also has a *compaction mechanism* can 
be regarded as an elaborated form of log
    +#### RocksDB Snapshots as a Foundation
    +In a nutshell, *RocksDB is a key-value store based on LSM trees*. The 
write path of RocksDB first collects all changes as
    +key-value pairs in a mutable, in-memory buffer called memtable. Writes to 
the same key in a memtable can simply replace
    +previous values (this is the pre-aggregation aspect). Once the memtable is 
full, it is written to disk completely with
    +all entries sorted by their key. Typically, RocksDB also applies a 
lightweight compression (e.g. snappy) in the write
    +process. After the memtable was written to disk, it becomes immutable and 
is now called a *sorted-string-table
    +(sstable)*. Figure 2 illustrates these basic RocksDB internals.
    +<p class="text-center">
    +   <img alt="Figure 2: RocksDB architecture (simplified)" width="75%" 
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/fig/rocksdb_architecture_simple.png"/>
    +To avoid the problem of collecting an infinite number of sstables over 
time, a background task called compaction is
    +constantly merging sstables to consolidate potential duplicate entries for 
each key from the merged tables. Once some
    +sstables have been merged, those original sstables become obsolete and are 
deleted by RocksDB. The newly created merged
    +sstable contains all their net information. We show an example for such a 
merge in Figure 3. SSTable-1 and SStable-2
    +contain some duplicate mappings for certain keys, such as key ``9``. The 
system can apply a sort-merge strategy in which
    +the newer mappings from ``SSTable-2`` overwrite mappings for keys that 
also existed in ``SSTable-1``. For key ``7``, we can also
    +see a delete (or antimatter) entry that, when merged, results in omitting 
key ``7`` in the merge result. Notice that the
    +merge in RocksDB is typically generalised to a multi-way merge. We won’t 
go into details about the read path here,
    +because it is irrelevant for the approach that we want to present. You can 
find more details about RocksDB internals in
    +their [documentation](http://rocksdb.org/).
    +<p class="text-center">
    +   <img alt="Figure 3: Merging SSTable files" width="50%" src="{{ 
site.baseurl }}/fig/sstable_merge.png"/>
    +#### Integrating RocksDB’s Snapshots with Flink’s Checkpoints
    +Flink’s incremental checkpointing logic operates on top of this mechanism 
that RocksDB provides. From a high-level
    +perspective, when taking a checkpoint, we track which sstable files have 
been created and deleted by RocksDB since the
    +previous checkpoint. This is sufficient for figuring out the effective 
state changes because sstables are immutable. Our
    +backend remembers the sstables that already existed in the last completed 
checkpoint in order to figure out which files
    +have been created or deleted in the current checkpoint interval. With this 
in mind, we will now explain the details of
    +checkpointing state in our RocksDB backend.
    +In the first step, Flink triggers a flush in RocksDB so that all all 
memtables are forced into sstables on disk, and all
    +sstables are hard-linked in a local temporary directory. This step of the 
checkpoint is synchronous to the processing
    +pipeline, and all further steps are performed asynchronously and will not 
block processing.
    +Then, all new sstables (w.r.t. the previous checkpoint) are copied to 
stable storage (e.g. HDFS) and referenced in the
    +new checkpoint. All sstables that already existed in the previous 
checkpoint will *not be copied again to stable
    +storage* but simply re-referenced. Deleted files will simply no longer 
receive a reference in the new checkpoint. Notice
    +that deleted sstables in RocksDB are always the result of compaction. This 
is the way in which Flink’s incremental
    +checkpoints can prune the checkpoint history. Old sstables are eventually 
replaced by the sstable that is the result of
    +merging them. Note that in a strict sense of tracking changes between 
checkpoints, this uploading of consolidated tables
    +is redundant work. But it is performed incrementally, typically adding 
only a small amount of overhead to some
    +checkpoints. However, we absolutely consider that overhead to be a 
worthwhile investment because it allows us to keep a
    +shorter history of checkpoints to consider in a recovery.
    +Another interesting point is how Flink can determine when it is safe to 
delete a shared file. Our solution works as
    +follows: for each file, we keep a reference count for each sstable file 
that we copied to stable storage. These counts
    +are maintained by the checkpoint coordinator on the job master in a 
*shared state registry*. This shared registry tracks
    +the number of checkpoints that reference a shared file in stable storage, 
e.g. an uploaded sstable. When a checkpoint is
    +completed, the checkpoint coordinator simply increases the counts for all 
files that are referenced in the new
    +checkpoint by 1. If a checkpoint is dropped, the count of all files it has 
referenced is decreased by 1. When the count
    +goes down to 0, the shared file is deleted from stable storage because it 
is no longer used by any checkpoint.
    +<p class="text-center">
    +   <img alt="Figure 4: Flink incremental checkpointing example" 
width="100%" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/fig/incremental_cp_impl_example.svg"/>
    +To make this idea a bit more complete, see Figure 4, where we show an 
example run over 4 incremental checkpoints to make
    +things a bit more concrete. We illustrate what is happening for one 
subtask (here: subtask index 1) of one operator
    +(called ``Operator-2``) with keyed state. Furthermore, for this example we 
assume that the number of retained
    +checkpoints is configured to 2, so that Flink will always keep the two 
latest checkpoints and older checkpoints are
    +pruned. The columns show, for each checkpoint, the state of the local 
RocksDB instance (i.e. the current sstable files),
    +the files that are referenced in the checkpoint, and the counts in the 
shared state registry after the checkpoint is
    +completed. For checkpoint 1 (``CP 1``)), we can see that the local RocksDB 
directory contains two sstable files, which
    +are considered as new and uploaded to stable storage. We upload the files 
under the checkpoint directory of the
    +corresponding checkpoint that first uploaded them, in this case ``cp-1``, 
and use unique filenames because they could
    +otherwise collide with identical sstable names from other subtasks. When 
the checkpoint completes, the two entries are
    +created in the shared state registry, one for each newly uploaded file, 
and their counts are set to 1. Notice that the
    +key in the shared state registry is a composite of operator, subtask, and 
the original sstable file name. In the actual
    +implementation, the shared state registry also keeps a mapping from the 
key to the file path in stable storage besides
    +the count, which is not shown to keep the graphic clearer.
    +At the time of the second checkpoint, two new sstable files have been 
created by RocksDB and the two older sstable files
    +from the previous checkpoint also still exist. For checkpoint ``CP 2``, 
Flink must now upload the two new files to
    +stable storage and can reference the ``sstable-(1)`` and ``sstable-(2)`` 
from the previous checkpoint. We can see that
    +the file references to previously existing sstable files point to existing 
files in the ``cp-1`` directory and 
    +references to new sstable files point to the newly uploaded files in 
directory ``cp-2``. When the checkpoint completes,
    +the counts for all referenced files are increased by 1.
    +For checkpoint ``CP 3``, we see that RocksDB’s compaction has merged 
``sstable-(1)``, ``sstable-(2)``, and 
    +``sstable-(3)`` into ``sstable-(1,2,3)``. This merged table contains the 
same net information as the source files and
    +eliminates any duplicate entries for each key that might have existed 
across the three source files. The source files of
    +the merge have been deleted, ``sstable-(4)`` still exists, and one 
additional ``sstable-(5)`` was created. For the 
    +checkpoint, we need to upload the new files ``sstable-(1,2,3)`` and 
``sstable-(5)`` and can re-reference ``sstable-(4)``
    +from a previous checkpoint. When this checkpoint completes, two things 
will happen at the checkpoint coordinator, in the
    +following order:
    +* First, the checkpoint registers the referenced files, increasing the 
count of those files by 1.
    +* Then, the older checkpoint ``CP 1`` will be deleted because we have 
configured the number of retained checkpoints to
    +* As part of the deletion, the counts for all files referenced by ``CP 
1``, (``sstable-(1)`` and ``sstable-(2)``), is
    +decreased by 1.
    +Even though ``CP 1`` is logically deleted, we can see that all the files 
it created have still a reference count greater 
    +0 and we cannot yet physically delete them from stable storage. Our 
graphic shows the counts after ``CP 3`` was
    +registered and ``CP 1`` was deleted.
    +For our last checkpoint ``CP 4``, RocksDB has merged ``sstable-(4)``, 
``sstable-(5)``, and another ``sstable-(6)``,
    +which was never observed at the time of a checkpoint, into 
``sstable-(4,5,6)``. This file ``sstable-(4,5,6)`` is new for
    +the checkpoint, and must be uploaded. We reference it together with 
``sstable-(1,2,3)`` that was already known in
    +``CP 4``. In the checkpoint coordinator’s shared state registry, the 
counts for ``sstable-(1,2,3)`` and
    +``sstable-(4,5,6)`` are increased by 1. Then, ``CP 2`` is deleted as part 
of our retention policy. This decreases the
    +counts for ``sstable-(1)``, ``sstable-(2)``, ``sstable-(3)``, and 
``sstable-(4)`` by 1. This means that the counts for
    +``sstable-(1)``, ``sstable-(2)``, and ``sstable-(3)`` have now dropped to 
0 and they will be physically deleted from the
    +stable storage. The final counts for ``CP 4`` after this step  are shown 
in the figure. This concludes our example for a
    +sequence of 4 incremental checkpoints.
    +#### Resolving Races for Concurrent Checkpoints
    +We sometimes also have to resolve race conditions between concurrent 
checkpoints in incremental checkpointing. Flink can
    +execute multiple checkpoints in parallel, and new checkpoints can start 
before previous checkpoints are confirmed as
    +completed by the checkpoint coordinator to the backend. We need to 
consider this in our reasoning about which previous
    +checkpoint can serve as a basis for a new incremental checkpoint. We are 
only allowed to reference shared state from a
    +confirmed checkpoint, because otherwise we might attempt to reference a 
shared file that might still be deleted, e.g.
    +when the assumed predecessor checkpoint still fails.
    +This can lead to a situation were multiple checkpoints regard the same 
sstable files in RocksDB as new because no
    +checkpoint that attempted to upload and register those sstable files has 
been confirmed, yet. To be on the safe side,
    --- End diff --
    has yet been confirmed.

> Improve and enhance documentation for incremental checkpoints
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-7449
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7449
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Documentation
>    Affects Versions: 1.4.0
>            Reporter: Stefan Richter
>            Assignee: Stefan Richter
>            Priority: Minor
> We should provide more details about incremental checkpoints in the 
> documentation.

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