Github user mcfongtw commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -37,29 +41,49 @@
      * @param <IN> Type of the elements emitted by this sink
    -public abstract class CassandraSinkBase<IN, V> extends 
RichSinkFunction<IN> {
    +public abstract class CassandraSinkBase<IN, V> extends 
RichSinkFunction<IN> implements CheckpointedFunction {
        protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
        protected transient Cluster cluster;
        protected transient Session session;
    -   protected transient volatile Throwable exception;
    +   protected transient volatile Throwable asyncError;
        protected transient FutureCallback<V> callback;
    -   private final ClusterBuilder builder;
    +   protected final ClusterBuilder builder;
        private final AtomicInteger updatesPending = new AtomicInteger();
    +   /**
    +    * If true, the producer will wait until all outstanding action 
requests have been sent to C*.
    +    */
    +   private boolean flushOnCheckpoint = true;
    --- End diff --
    Got your points on the behaviors to subclasses to CassandraSinkBase, but I 
was wondering if some of these 'common behavior' should be or would be unified 
across different data sink, KafKa ES, etc.  They all currently have slightly 
different implantation though. 


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