Github user xccui commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -184,4 +195,54 @@ class DataStreamWindowJoin(
    +  def createRowTimeInnerJoinFunction(
    +    leftDataStream: DataStream[CRow],
    +    rightDataStream: DataStream[CRow],
    +    joinFunctionName: String,
    +    joinFunctionCode: String,
    +    leftKeys: Array[Int],
    +    rightKeys: Array[Int]): DataStream[CRow] = {
    +    val returnTypeInfo = CRowTypeInfo(schema.typeInfo)
    +    val rowTimeInnerJoinFunc = new TimeBoundedStreamInnerJoin(
    +      leftLowerBound,
    +      leftUpperBound,
    +      0L,
    +      leftSchema.typeInfo,
    +      rightSchema.typeInfo,
    +      joinFunctionName,
    +      joinFunctionCode,
    +      leftTimeIdx,
    +      rightTimeIdx,
    +      JoinTimeIndicator.ROWTIME
    +    )
    +    if (!leftKeys.isEmpty) {
    +      leftDataStream
    +        .connect(rightDataStream)
    +        .keyBy(leftKeys, rightKeys)
    +        .transform(
    +          "rowTimeInnerJoinFunc",
    --- End diff --
    I'd like to call this kind of join "time-bounded join" instead of "window 
join". When referring to window join, the users may think of tumbling-window or 
sliding-window, while they are actually not the same. However, as the 
“window-join” name has been widely used, I can also accept it. Do you have 
any idea about that?


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