Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1002,4 +1124,28 @@ object TableEnvironment {
         case d: DefinedFieldNames => d.getFieldIndices
         case _ => TableEnvironment.getFieldIndices(tableSource.getReturnType)
    +  /**
    +    * Returns field names for a given [[TableSink]].
    +    *
    +    * @param tableSink The TableSink to extract field names from.
    +    * @tparam A The type of the TableSink.
    +    * @return An array holding the field names.
    +    */
    +  def getFieldNames[A](tableSink: TableSink[A]): Array[String] = tableSink 
match {
    +      case d: DefinedFieldNames => d.getFieldNames
    +      case _ => TableEnvironment.getFieldNames(tableSink.getOutputType)
    +    }
    +  /**
    +    * Returns field indices for a given [[TableSink]].
    +    *
    +    * @param tableSink The TableSink to extract field indices from.
    +    * @tparam A The type of the TableSink.
    +    * @return An array holding the field indices.
    +    */
    +  def getFieldIndices[A](tableSink: TableSink[A]): Array[Int] = tableSink 
match {
    --- End diff --
    We don't need this method. A `TableSink` is configured with a schema. It 
does not need indicies and should not implement `DefinedFieldNames`.

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