Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -307,6 +312,92 @@ object UserDefinedFunctionUtils {
    +    * Remove StateView fields from accumulator type information.
    +    *
    +    * @param index index of aggregate function
    +    * @param aggFun aggregate function
    +    * @param accType accumulator type information, only support pojo type
    +    * @param isStateBackedDataViews is data views use state backend
    +    * @return mapping of accumulator type information and data view config 
which contains id,
    +    *         field name and state descriptor
    +    */
    +  def removeStateViewFieldsFromAccTypeInfo(
    +    index: Int,
    +    aggFun: AggregateFunction[_, _],
    +    accType: TypeInformation[_],
    +    isStateBackedDataViews: Boolean)
    +  : (TypeInformation[_], Option[Seq[DataViewSpec[_]]]) = {
    +    var hasDataView = false
    +    val acc = aggFun.createAccumulator()
    +    accType match {
    +      case pojoType: PojoTypeInfo[_] if pojoType.getArity > 0 =>
    +        val arity = pojoType.getArity
    +        val newPojoFields = new util.ArrayList[PojoField]()
    +        val accumulatorSpecs = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[DataViewSpec[_]]
    +        for (i <- 0 until arity) {
    +          val pojoField = pojoType.getPojoFieldAt(i)
    +          val field = pojoField.getField
    +          val fieldName = field.getName
    +          field.setAccessible(true)
    +          pojoField.getTypeInformation match {
    +            case map: MapViewTypeInfo[Any, Any] =>
    +              val mapView = field.get(acc).asInstanceOf[MapView[_, _]]
    +              if (mapView != null) {
    +                val keyTypeInfo = mapView.keyTypeInfo
    +                val valueTypeInfo = mapView.valueTypeInfo
    +                val newTypeInfo = if (keyTypeInfo != null && valueTypeInfo 
!= null) {
    +                  hasDataView = true
    +                  new MapViewTypeInfo(keyTypeInfo, valueTypeInfo)
    +                } else {
    +                  map
    +                }
    +                var spec = MapViewSpec(
    +                  "agg" + index + "$" + fieldName, // generate unique name 
to be used as state name
    +                  field,
    +                  newTypeInfo)
    +                accumulatorSpecs += spec
    +                if (!isStateBackedDataViews) { // add data view field 
which not use state backend
    +                  newPojoFields.add(new PojoField(field, newTypeInfo))
    +                }
    +              }
    +            case list: ListViewTypeInfo[Any] =>
    +              val listView = field.get(acc).asInstanceOf[ListView[_]]
    +              if (listView != null) {
    +                val elementTypeInfo = listView.elementTypeInfo
    +                val newTypeInfo = if (elementTypeInfo != null) {
    +                  hasDataView = true
    +                  new ListViewTypeInfo(elementTypeInfo)
    +                } else {
    +                  list
    +                }
    +                var spec = ListViewSpec(
    +                  "agg" + index + "$" + fieldName, // generate unique name 
to be used as state name
    +                  field,
    +                  newTypeInfo)
    +                accumulatorSpecs += spec
    +                if (!isStateBackedDataViews) { // add data view field 
which not use state backend
    +                  newPojoFields.add(new PojoField(field, newTypeInfo))
    +                }
    +              }
    +            case _ => newPojoFields.add(pojoField)
    +          }
    +        }
    +        (new PojoTypeInfo(accType.getTypeClass, newPojoFields), 
    +      case _ if !hasDataView => (accType, None)
    +      case _ => throw new TableException("MapView and ListView only 
support in PoJo class")
    --- End diff --
    This case will never be reached. `hasDataView` is only set to `true` in the 
`case pojoType: PojoTypeInfo[_]` case. Hence, it will always be false when we 
come to this point.

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