
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-7147:

Github user tedyu commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -526,18 +551,32 @@ private boolean isPatternOptional(Pattern<T, ?> 
pattern) {
                                return createGroupPatternState((GroupPattern) 
currentPattern, sinkState, proceedState, isOptional);
    -                   final IterativeCondition<T> trueFunction = 
                        final State<T> singletonState = 
createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
                        // if event is accepted then all notPatterns previous 
to the optional states are no longer valid
                        final State<T> sink = 
                        singletonState.addTake(sink, takeCondition);
    +                   // if no element accepted the previous nots are still 
    +                   final IterativeCondition<T> proceedCondition = 
                        // for the first state of a group pattern, its PROCEED 
edge should point to the following state of
                        // that group pattern and the edge will be added at the 
end of creating the NFA for that group pattern
                        if (isOptional && !headOfGroup(currentPattern)) {
    -                           // if no element accepted the previous nots are 
still valid.
    -                           singletonState.addProceed(proceedState, 
    +                           if 
    +                                   final IterativeCondition<T> 
untilCondition =
    +                                           (IterativeCondition<T>) 
    +                                   if (untilCondition != null) {
    +                                           singletonState.addProceed(
    +                                                   new 
AndCondition<>(proceedCondition, untilCondition));
    --- End diff --
    Why is this not wrapped with NotCondition ?

> Support greedy quantifier in CEP
> --------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-7147
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7147
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: CEP, Table API & SQL
>            Reporter: Dian Fu
>            Assignee: Dian Fu
> Greedy quantifier will try to match the token as many times as possible. For 
> example, for pattern {{a b* c}} (skip till next is used) and inputs {{a b1 b2 
> c}}, if the quantifier for {{b}} is greedy, it will only output {{a b1 b2 c}}.

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