Github user kaibozhou commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1646,4 +1649,86 @@ abstract class CodeGenerator(
    +  /**
    +    * Adds a reusable class to the member area of the generated 
    +    */
    +  def addReusableClass(clazz: Class[_], fieldTerm: String): Unit = {
    +    val field =
    +      s"""
    +         |transient ${clazz.getCanonicalName} $fieldTerm = null;
    +         |""".stripMargin
    +    reusableMemberStatements.add(field)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +    * Adds a reusable [[DataViewConfig]] to the member area of the 
generated [[Function]].
    +    *
    +    * @param indices indices of aggregate functions.
    +    * @param ctxTerm field name of runtime context.
    +    * @param accConfig data view config which contains id, field and 
    +    * @return statements to create [[MapView]] or [[ListView]].
    +    */
    +  def addReusableDataViewConfig(
    --- End diff --
    Its a good idea, the code will be more clean after refactor.

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