Github user twalthr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -667,30 +719,62 @@ abstract class StreamTableEnvironment(
         // get CRow plan
         val plan: DataStream[CRow] = translateToCRow(logicalPlan, queryConfig)
    +    val rowtimeFields = logicalType
    +      .getFieldList.asScala
    +      .filter(f => FlinkTypeFactory.isRowtimeIndicatorType(f.getType))
    +    // convert the input type for the conversion mapper
    +    // the input will be changed in the OutputRowtimeProcessFunction later
    +    val convType = if (rowtimeFields.size > 1) {
    +      throw new TableException(
    --- End diff --
    @fhueske With left most table I mean the first time indicator in the select 
statement (from  left). I think even join reordering does not change the column 
ordering. I agree that at least `TableSink`s should do deal with it implicitly.

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