
Xingcan Cui commented on FLINK-7245:

Hi [~fhueske], thanks for your responses. They are really helpful.

I'll try to rephrase the solution to see if it's accurate now.

Whenever the new operator receives a watermark, it informs the internal timer 
service and then emits the watermark with a delay {{d}} added. The {{d}} could 
be either static or dynamic. Commonly, {{d}} is decided by the lowest future 
timestamp in the states of the user-defined functions. Therefore, we need a new 
API to report that. Also the lowest timestamp should be snapshotted. 

I've got three extra questions.

# I think there are two approaches for the UDFs to report the lowest future 
timestamps to the operator. (1) Add a {{setFutureTimestamp()}} to the 
{{Context}} of the function. (2) Add a new method {{getFutureTimestamp()}} (or 
as a new interface) for particular functions. Which one do you prefer?
# If the second approach above is chosen, there is no need to snapshot the 
lowest future timestamps, right?
# Suppose the {{d}} values are different for keygroups or UDF instances, how 
can we coordinate them (i.e., find the global {{d}} for the operator)? I just 
wonder if we can take all the operator instances isomorphic, i.e., for a 
dedicated watermark, an identical {{d}} should be reported by different 
keygroups or operator instances. Do you think that makes sense?

Best, Xingcan

> Enhance the operators to support holding back watermarks
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-7245
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7245
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: DataStream API
>            Reporter: Xingcan Cui
>            Assignee: Xingcan Cui
> Currently the watermarks are applied and emitted by the 
> {{AbstractStreamOperator}} instantly. 
> {code:java}
> public void processWatermark(Watermark mark) throws Exception {
>       if (timeServiceManager != null) {
>               timeServiceManager.advanceWatermark(mark);
>       }
>       output.emitWatermark(mark);
> }
> {code}
> Some calculation results (with timestamp fields) triggered by these 
> watermarks (e.g., join or aggregate results) may be regarded as delayed by 
> the downstream operators since their timestamps must be less than or equal to 
> the corresponding triggers. 
> This issue aims to add another "working mode", which supports holding back 
> watermarks, to current operators. These watermarks should be blocked and 
> stored by the operators until all the corresponding new generated results are 
> emitted.

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