Github user StephanEwen commented on the issue:
    How about I just remove the consistency level completely and reduce the 
`FileSystemKind` to "file system" and "object store"?
    I tried to think through the ecosystem of file systems quite a bit and this 
stuck me as a good compromise, but there are of course at least 10 other ways 
to do that. Seems that this discussion is mainly about "why like this and not 
possibly like that" and there are of course pros and cons for each approach, 
depending on your view of that ecosystem. We can guess how to do that now or 
try to evolve later as we discover more requirements and more file system types.
    In any case, my main concern here is to fix the FileStateHandle release for 
1.3.2, so let's strip this down to the bare minimum and get this done?

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