Github user fhueske commented on the issue: Thanks for the review @wuchong. The `DataStream` join semantics can be implemented with this join by first window grouping both inputs with a UDAGG that collects all records in a list, and then joins the lists on the same time with `left.t BETWEEN right.t AND right.t` (we do not support a single `==` predicate on time so we need `>=` and `<=`, but this could be added, IMO). And then a UDF that crosses the lists. I think this is how you would need to do it in SQL (you could use UNNEST to do the Cartesian product). The Table API could have a syntactic shortcut for that but the internal logical representation would again be the same. Not sure if it adds much value. I think the windowed join semantics of this PR are nicer because they do not have cut-off points at the window boundaries (two records could be only 3 msecs apart but would not join because they are in different tumbling windows).
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