
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-6584:

Github user twalthr commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -54,34 +56,75 @@ class WindowStartEndPropertiesRule
         val project = call.rel(0).asInstanceOf[LogicalProject]
         val innerProject = call.rel(1).asInstanceOf[LogicalProject]
         val agg = call.rel(2).asInstanceOf[LogicalWindowAggregate]
    +    val window = agg.getWindow
    -    // Retrieve window start and end properties
    +    val isRowtime = isRowtimeAttribute(window.timeAttribute)
    +    val isProctime = isProctimeAttribute(window.timeAttribute)
    +    val startEndProperties = Seq(
    +      NamedWindowProperty("w$start", WindowStart(window.aliasAttribute)),
    +      NamedWindowProperty("w$end", WindowEnd(window.aliasAttribute)))
    +    // allow rowtime/proctime for rowtime windows and proctime for 
proctime windows
    +    val timeProperties = if (isRowtime) {
    +      Seq(
    +        NamedWindowProperty("w$rowtime", 
    --- End diff --
    I agree. I will change this.

> Support multiple consecutive windows in SQL
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-6584
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6584
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Table API & SQL
>            Reporter: Timo Walther
>            Assignee: Timo Walther
> Right now, the Table API supports multiple consecutive windows as follows:
> {code}
> val table = stream.toTable(tEnv, 'rowtime.rowtime, 'int, 'double, 'float, 
> 'bigdec, 'string)
> val t = table
>   .window(Tumble over 2.millis on 'rowtime as 'w)
>   .groupBy('w)
>   .select('w.rowtime as 'rowtime, 'int.count as 'int)
>   .window(Tumble over 4.millis on 'rowtime as 'w2)
>   .groupBy('w2)
>   .select('w2.rowtime, 'w2.end, 'int.count)
> {code}
> Similar behavior should be supported by the SQL API as well. We need to 
> introduce a new auxiliary group function, but this should happen in sync with 
> Apache Calcite.

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