Github user StefanRRichter commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -880,7 +882,9 @@ KeyedStateHandle materializeSnapshot() throws Exception 
    -                   stateBackend.materializedSstFiles.put(checkpointId, 
    +                   synchronized (stateBackend.asyncSnapshotLock) {
    --- End diff --
    I wonder if this is enough. As soon as we assume that there can be parallel 
incremental snapshots (let's say s1 and s2) what could happen is the following 
    - s1 completes and acknowledges to checkpoint coordinator, but the 
notifyCheckpointComplete did not yet arrive.
    - s2 runs and checks in `materializedSstFiles`, where it can not find 
anything from s1, yet.
    - s2 will perceive some files as new, which s1 has already registered in 
the shared state.
    - notifyCheckpointComplete from s1 arrives.
    - s2 acknowledges. Now, in the `SharedStateRegistry`, the handles from s2 
will try to register some sst files as new, which have been registered by s1 
before (without s1 noticing). On the checkpoint coordinator, the 
`RocksDBIncrementalStateHandle` will fail int the precondition check 
`Preconditions.checkState(referenceCount == 1);` as soon as it tries to 
register it's "new" sst files with `SharedStateRegistry`.

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