
Gyula Fora commented on FLINK-6390:

we could call it completeCheckpoint for example

> Add Trigger Hooks to the Checkpoint Coordinator
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-6390
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6390
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: State Backends, Checkpointing
>            Reporter: Stephan Ewen
>            Assignee: Stephan Ewen
>             Fix For: 1.3.0
> Some source systems require to be notified prior to starting a checkpoint, in 
> order to do preparatory work for the checkpoint.
> I propose to add an interface to allow sources to register hooks that are 
> called by the checkpoint coordinator when triggering / restoring a checkpoint.
> These hooks may produce state that is stores with the checkpoint metadata.
> Envisioned interface for the hooks
> {code}
> /**
>  * The interface for hooks that can be called by the checkpoint coordinator 
> when triggering or
>  * restoring a checkpoint. Such a hook is useful for example when preparing 
> external systems for
>  * taking or restoring checkpoints.
>  * 
>  * <p>The {@link #triggerCheckpoint(long, long, Executor)} method (called 
> when triggering a checkpoint)
>  * can return a result (via a future) that will be stored as part of the 
> checkpoint metadata.
>  * When restoring a checkpoint, that stored result will be given to the 
> {@link #restoreCheckpoint(long, Object)}
>  * method. The hook's {@link #getIdentifier() identifier} is used to map data 
> to hook in the presence
>  * of multiple hooks, and when resuming a savepoint that was potentially 
> created by a different job.
>  * The identifier has a similar role as for example the operator UID in the 
> streaming API.
>  * 
>  * <p>The MasterTriggerRestoreHook is defined when creating the streaming 
> dataflow graph. It is attached
>  * to the job graph, which gets sent to the cluster for execution. To avoid 
> having to make the hook
>  * itself serializable, these hooks are attached to the job graph via a 
> {@link MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory}.
>  * 
>  * @param <T> The type of the data produced by the hook and stored as part of 
> the checkpoint metadata.
>  *            If the hook never stores any data, this can be typed to {@code 
> Void}.
>  */
> public interface MasterTriggerRestoreHook<T> {
>       /**
>        * Gets the identifier of this hook. The identifier is used to identify 
> a specific hook in the
>        * presence of multiple hooks and to give it the correct checkpointed 
> data upon checkpoint restoration.
>        * 
>        * <p>The identifier should be unique between different hooks of a job, 
> but deterministic/constant
>        * so that upon resuming a savepoint, the hook will get the correct 
> data.
>        * For example, if the hook calls into another storage system and 
> persists namespace/schema specific
>        * information, then the name of the storage system, together with the 
> namespace/schema name could
>        * be an appropriate identifier.
>        * 
>        * <p>When multiple hooks of the same name are created and attached to 
> a job graph, only the first
>        * one is actually used. This can be exploited to deduplicate hooks 
> that would do the same thing.
>        * 
>        * @return The identifier of the hook. 
>        */
>       String getIdentifier();
>       /**
>        * This method is called by the checkpoint coordinator prior when 
> triggering a checkpoint, prior
>        * to sending the "trigger checkpoint" messages to the source tasks.
>        * 
>        * <p>If the hook implementation wants to store data as part of the 
> checkpoint, it may return
>        * that data via a future, otherwise it should return null. The data is 
> stored as part of
>        * the checkpoint metadata under the hooks identifier (see {@link 
> #getIdentifier()}).
>        * 
>        * <p>If the action by this hook needs to be executed synchronously, 
> then this method should
>        * directly execute the action synchronously and block until it is 
> complete. The returned future
>        * (if any) would typically be a completed future.
>        * 
>        * <p>If the action should be executed asynchronously and only needs to 
> complete before the
>        * checkpoint is considered completed, then the method may use the 
> given executor to execute the
>        * actual action and would signal its completion by completing the 
> future. For hooks that do not
>        * need to store data, the future would be completed with null.
>        * 
>        * @param checkpointId The ID (logical timestamp, monotonously 
> increasing) of the checkpoint
>        * @param timestamp The wall clock timestamp when the checkpoint was 
> triggered, for
>        *                  info/logging purposes. 
>        * @param executor The executor for asynchronous actions
>        * 
>        * @return Optionally, a future that signals when the hook has 
> completed and that contains
>        *         data to be stored with the checkpoint.
>        * 
>        * @throws Exception Exceptions encountered when calling the hook will 
> cause the checkpoint to abort.
>        */
>       @Nullable
>       Future<T> triggerCheckpoint(long checkpointId, long timestamp, Executor 
> executor) throws Exception;
>       /**
>        * This method is called by the checkpoint coordinator prior to 
> restoring the state of a checkpoint.
>        * If the checkpoint did store data from this hook, that data will be 
> passed to this method. 
>        * 
>        * @param checkpointId The The ID (logical timestamp) of the restored 
> checkpoint
>        * @param checkpointData The data originally stored in the checkpoint 
> by this hook, possibly null. 
>        * 
>        * @throws Exception Exceptions thrown while restoring the checkpoint 
> will cause the restore
>        *                   operation to fail and to possibly fall back to 
> another checkpoint. 
>        */
>       void restoreCheckpoint(long checkpointId, @Nullable T checkpointData) 
> throws Exception;
>       /**
>        * Creates a the serializer to (de)serializes the data stored by this 
> hook. The serializer
>        * serializes the result of the Future returned by the {@link 
> #triggerCheckpoint(long, long, Executor)}
>        * method, and deserializes the data stored in the checkpoint into the 
> object passed to the
>        * {@link #restoreCheckpoint(long, Object)} method. 
>        * 
>        * <p>If the hook never returns any data to be stored, then this method 
> may return null as the
>        * serializer.
>        * 
>        * @return The serializer to (de)serializes the data stored by this hook
>        */
>       @Nullable
>       SimpleVersionedSerializer<T> createCheckpointDataSerializer();
> {code}

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