
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-6228:

Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -49,6 +57,128 @@ case class Call(functionName: String, args: 
Seq[Expression]) extends Expression
    +  * Over expression for calcite over transform.
    +  *
    +  * @param agg             over-agg expression
    +  * @param aggAlias        agg alias for following `select()` clause.
    +  * @param overWindowAlias over window alias
    +  * @param overWindow      over window
    +  */
    +case class OverCall(
    +    agg: Aggregation,
    +    var aggAlias: Expression,
    +    overWindowAlias: Expression,
    +    var overWindow: OverWindow = null) extends Expression {
    +  private[flink] def as(aggAlias: Expression): OverCall = {
    +    this.aggAlias = aggAlias
    +    this
    +  }
    +  override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): 
RexNode = {
    +    val rexBuilder = relBuilder.getRexBuilder
    +    val operator: SqlAggFunction = agg.toSqlAggFunction()
    +    val aggReturnType: TypeInformation[_] = agg.resultType
    +    val relDataType = 
SqlTypeUtils.createSqlType(relBuilder.getTypeFactory, aggReturnType)
    +    val aggExprs: util.ArrayList[RexNode] = new util.ArrayList[RexNode]()
    +    val aggChildName = agg.child.asInstanceOf[ResolvedFieldReference].name
    +    aggExprs.add(relBuilder.field(aggChildName))
    +    val orderKeys: ImmutableList.Builder[RexFieldCollation] =
    +      new ImmutableList.Builder[RexFieldCollation]()
    +    val sets:util.HashSet[SqlKind] = new util.HashSet[SqlKind]()
    +    val orderName = 
    +    val rexNode =
    +      if (orderName.equalsIgnoreCase("rowtime") || 
orderName.equalsIgnoreCase("proctime")) {
    +        // for stream
    +        relBuilder.literal(orderName)
    +      } else {
    +        // for batch
    +        relBuilder.field(orderName)
    +      }
    +    orderKeys.add(new RexFieldCollation(rexNode,sets))
    +    val partitionKeys: util.ArrayList[RexNode] = new 
    +    overWindow.partitionBy.foreach(x=>
    +    val preceding = overWindow.preceding.asInstanceOf[Literal]
    +    val following = overWindow.following.asInstanceOf[Literal]
    +    val isPhysical: Boolean = 
    +    val lowerBound = createBound(relBuilder, 
preceding.value.asInstanceOf[Long], SqlKind.PRECEDING)
    +    val upperBound = createBound(relBuilder, 
following.value.asInstanceOf[Long], SqlKind.FOLLOWING)
    +    rexBuilder.makeOver(
    +      relDataType,
    +      operator,
    +      aggExprs,
    +      partitionKeys,
    +      orderKeys.build,
    +      lowerBound,
    +      upperBound,
    +      isPhysical,
    +      true,
    +      false)
    +  }
    +  private def createBound(
    +    relBuilder: RelBuilder,
    +    precedingValue: Long,
    +    sqlKind: SqlKind): RexWindowBound = {
    +    if (precedingValue == Long.MaxValue) {
    +      val unbounded = SqlWindow.createUnboundedPreceding(SqlParserPos.ZERO)
    +      create(unbounded, null)
    +    } else if (precedingValue == 0L) {
    +      val currentRow = SqlWindow.createCurrentRow(SqlParserPos.ZERO)
    +      create(currentRow, null)
    +    } else {
    +      val returnType = new BasicSqlType(
    +        relBuilder.getTypeFactory.getTypeSystem,
    +        SqlTypeName.DECIMAL)
    +      val sqlOperator = new SqlPostfixOperator(
    +        sqlKind.name,
    +        sqlKind,
    +        2,
    +        new OrdinalReturnTypeInference(0),
    +        null,
    +        null)
    +      val operands: Array[SqlNode] = new Array[SqlNode](1)
    +      operands(0) = (SqlLiteral.createExactNumeric("1", SqlParserPos.ZERO))
    +      val node = new SqlBasicCall(sqlOperator, operands, SqlParserPos.ZERO)
    +      val expressions: util.ArrayList[RexNode] = new 
    +      expressions.add(relBuilder.literal(precedingValue))
    +      val rexNode = relBuilder.getRexBuilder.makeCall(returnType, 
sqlOperator, expressions)
    +      create(node, rexNode)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  override private[flink] def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq()
    --- End diff --
    maybe we can check the partitionBy expressions here as well?

> Integrating the OVER windows in the Table API
> ---------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-6228
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6228
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: Table API & SQL
>            Reporter: sunjincheng
>            Assignee: sunjincheng
> Syntax:
> {code}
> table
>    .overWindows(
>     (Rows|Range [ partitionBy value_expression , ... [ n ]] [ orderBy 
> order_by_expression] 
>       (preceding  
> UNBOUNDED|value_specification.(rows|milli|second|minute|hour|day|month|year)|CURRENTROW)
>      [following 
> UNBOUNDED|value_specification.(rows|milli|second|minute|hour|day|month|year)|CURRENTROW]
>     as alias,...[n])
>    )
>   .select( [col1,...[n]], (agg(col1) OVER overWindowAlias, … [n])
> {code}
> Implement restrictions:
> * All OVER clauses in the same SELECT clause must be exactly the same.
> * The PARTITION BY clause is optional (no partitioning results in single 
> threaded execution).
> * The ORDER BY Before the 
> [FLINK-5884|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-5884]  implementation 
> orderBy may only have ‘rowtime/’proctime(for stream)/‘specific-time-field(for 
> batch).
> * FOLLOWING is not supported.
> User interface design document [See | 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/13Z-Ovx3jwtmzkSweJyGkMy751BouhuJ29Y1CTNZt2DI/edit#]

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