Basia Burch created FLEX-35418:

             Summary: Advantages of Virtual Receptionist Technologies
                 Key: FLEX-35418
             Project: Apache Flex
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Basia Burch

Technology is a real life-saver, and this cannot be any much truer than in the 
medical field both for the patient and the medical profession itself. When it 
comes to patient appointments and schedules management, today's technology 
provides a variety of options for the healthcare providers aside from the 
conventional next-office medical receptionist. Indeed, the clamor for the 
so-called "virtual receptionist" is ever increasing with the advent of mobile 
technology and the internet. The full potential for the technology is still 
unrealized but nevertheless, the benefit it sows for the medical industry is 
already immense. Here are some of the affiliate virtual receptionist 
technologies and their corresponding advantages:

Online Patient Appointment Scheduler

• Easy Access
• No need to wait or queue to book an appointment.
• After hours appointments can be arranged
• Automated appointment reminders are promptly generated.
• Rising number of healthcare professionals setting up online appointment 
• Conflict with erring receptionist is avoided.
• Online appointment scheduling systems 
*[complextime|]* usually have service features that 
provides relative medical information
• Capabilities for both online and telephone and online appointment
• Beneficial for the hearing impaired
• Access to relevant office information is possible through most online 
appointment systems

Telephone Appointment Reminder Software

• Missed appointments are greatly reduced
• Increased call notification and provision for high volume contacts
• Automatic Alert System for Appointment Reminders
• Operation extending beyond office hours
• Automatic routine call features that let employees concentrate on more 
pressing responsibilities.
• Response times to recipients are faster
• Lower costs while enjoying a faster and ever expanding call capacity
• The cost of employee turnover is greatly reduced
• Multi-lingual support
• Helps generate a better revenue

After-hours Medical Answering Service

• Features that ensure the message will come across clearly and quickly.
• Direct callers phone call to the right person and efficient handling of every 
• It saves messages for the on-call physician
• Message notification to practically anywhere via email and other mobile 
• It is available virtually any time including at nights, holidays, weekends, 
and lunch breaks.
• Physician on-call status can be easily changed

In the end, there's no real substitute to a personal approach when comes to 
patient care. A live and cheerful medical receptionist has always a place in 
the medical field and in no way in danger of being displaced by affiliate 
virtual receptionist technology. Besides, technologies available today that 
handle certain medical receptionist tasks are just tools to streamline the 
medical profession. This will benefit both the healthcare provider, to make his 
professional responsibility an easier task, and ultimately the patient, to 
somehow ease his physical burden right from the very start of the whole 
treatment process.

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