Sami Al-beik created FLEX-35403: ----------------------------------- Summary: FOR 5 YEARS THE INSTALLER HASN*T WORKED FLAWLESSLY Key: FLEX-35403 URL: Project: Apache Flex Issue Type: Bug Components: Installer Affects Versions: Apache Flex 4.16.1 Reporter: Sami Al-beik
My good, never ever has the installer ever worked flawlessly. There's ALWAYS something that isn't working, there's always some time where it fails. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE FIX THE INSTALLER -> IT NEVER WORKED. I have had multiple fresh installs of the entire computer, on windows and on max, I have tried to install it on virtual machines and none-virtual. Sometimes it works and sometimes (most times) it doesn't. It's always the same it fucking fails during the process - mostly when when installering the Air sdk .... 8/10 times that's the reason. I have to go get the sdk mylself and install it manuelly ... can't continue the process ... have to copy the flex sdk from others and put it all together manuelly and make it work. ALSO WHO THE F# MADE THE 32bit-> 64 bit part? Sometimes this retard implementation is failing. It discovers that the system is 64bit -> it closes ... yeah and then its crashing and can't start the 64bit version. Now how can I install the SDK if the installer is crashing on startup. MAKE A 64BIT BINARY AND MAKE A 32 BIT BINARY -> give the user to start the version they need. Now it might all just be some really poor error messages - IT ALLWAYS JUST TELLS US THAT IT FAILED - Now what should I use this for ? WTF is wrong? give us some useful info, THE INFO MUST BE SO THAT WE KNOW WHAT TO DO TO FIX IT. The guy who is handling the error messages -> FIRE HIM, for 5 years he has been giving us USELESS error messages. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here's my latest (1 out of 50 bad experiences): Installer path: /private/var/folders/nx/7mp7dkms6x35g5mf93c5mddc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E96A3CF1-6456-4458-80AC-870C27CE8A6B/d/Apache Flex SDK Installer version 3.3.2 (mac) Using Locale: da_DK Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI. SDK version Apache Flex SDK 4.16.1 AIR version 32.0 Flash Player version 32.0 Creating Apache Flex home Creating temporary directory Downloading Apache Flex SDK from: Verifying Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature The Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files matches the reference. The file is valid. Uncompressing: /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/temp/apache-flex-sdk-4.16.1-bin.tar.gz Finished uncompressing: /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/temp/apache-flex-sdk-4.16.1-bin.tar.gz Downloading Adobe AIR Runtime Kit for Mac from: Validating download: /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/AdobeAIRSDK.dmg Should unzip: ${shouldUnzip} Mounting dmg IS WINDOWS: ${isWindows}, IS MAC: mac Copying AIR SDK from mounted volume Unmounting AIR SDK Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/frameworks/libs/air to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/frameworks/libs Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/frameworks/projects/air to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/frameworks/projects Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/include to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32 Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/lib/android to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/lib Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/lib/aot to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/lib Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/lib/nai to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/lib Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/runtimes to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32 Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/samples/badge to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/samples Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/samples/icons to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/samples Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/templates/air to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/templates Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/templates/extensions to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/templates Copying files from /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/in/airsdk/templates/sdk to /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/templates Installing Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc from: Validating download: /Users/sami/Documents/Air SDK 4.16 - air 32/frameworks/libs/player/32.0/playerglobal.swc Flash SDK download failed Installation aborted: Flex SDK 4.16.1&version=4.16.1&os=mac&installerversion=3.3.2&info=&info=Flash%20SDK%20download%20failed -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.6.14#76016)