
Judah Frangipane updated FLEX-22885:
Create a new property that allows you to set both the visible and 
includeInLayout properties at the same time.

*Steps to reproduce:*
 1.Add a component to the stage
 2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
 3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout

*Actual Results:*
 not created yet

*Expected Results:*
 when you set the property to true or false:
 2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
 3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout

*Workaround (if any):*
 Set visible to false and set includeInLayout to false.

In nearly every project I've worked on I see two lines of code for hiding and 
then excluding from the layout. 

This new property would combine visible and layout into one property. 

Without it you get code all throughout a project that looks like this:
private function onWallLoadingStop(event:NavigationEvents):void {

 if (event.str == "ActivityStream") {
 else {
  mainWallContainer.visible=true;   mainWallContainer.includeInLayout=true;

Create a new property that allows you to set both the visible and 
includeInLayout properties at the same time. 

Steps to reproduce:
1.Add a component to the stage
2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout
 Actual Results:
 not created yet
 Expected Results:
 when you set the property to true or false:
2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout
 Workaround (if any):
 Set visible to false and set includeInLayout to false. 

Without it you get code that looks like this:

                        private function 
                                if (event.str == "ActivityStream")

> Add a new property that combines visible and includeInLayout into 
> visibleInLayout in the UIComponent
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-22885
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-22885
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: MXML Components
>    Affects Versions: Adobe Flex SDK 4.5 (Release)
>         Environment: Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
> Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
> Language Found: English
>            Reporter: Adobe JIRA
>            Assignee: Adobe JIRA
>            Priority: Minor
> Create a new property that allows you to set both the visible and 
> includeInLayout properties at the same time.
> *Steps to reproduce:*
>  1.Add a component to the stage
>  2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
>  3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout
> *Actual Results:*
>  not created yet
> *Expected Results:*
>  when you set the property to true or false:
>  2.Set visibleInLayout to false to hide and exclude from layout
>  3.Set visibleInLayout to true to show and include in layout
> *Workaround (if any):*
>  Set visible to false and set includeInLayout to false.
> *Notes:*
> In nearly every project I've worked on I see two lines of code for hiding and 
> then excluding from the layout. 
> This new property would combine visible and layout into one property. 
> Without it you get code all throughout a project that looks like this:
> {code:java}
> mainContainer.visible=false;
> mainContainer.includeInLayout=false;
> loadingProgress.visible=true;
> loadingProgress.includeInLayout=true;
> private function onWallLoadingStop(event:NavigationEvents):void {
>  loadingwallprogress.visible=false;
>  loadingwallprogress.includeInLayout=false;
>  if (event.str == "ActivityStream") {
>   mainWallContainer.visible=false
>   mainWallContainer.includeInLayout=false;
>  }
>  else {
>   mainWallContainer.visible=true;   mainWallContainer.includeInLayout=true;
>  }
> }{code}

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