Piotr Zarzycki created FLEX-35350:

             Summary: Bead added to MDL Table is being add to "tbody"
                 Key: FLEX-35350
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35350
             Project: Apache Flex
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: FlexJS
    Affects Versions: Apache FlexJS 0.8.0
            Reporter: Piotr Zarzycki
            Assignee: Piotr Zarzycki

Bead added to MDL Table is being applied to the "tbody" instead of "table" 

<mdl:Table shadow="2" selectable="true" className="customTableRowItemRenderer">
                            <mdl:TableColumn headerText="Material"/>
                            <mdl:TableColumn headerText="Quantity">
                                    <mdl:TableNumericColumnEnable />
                                    destinationPropertyName="dataProvider" />
                            <supportclasses:ScrollingViewport />

Is being transpiled to:
<table class="customTableRowItemRenderer mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table 
mdl-shadow--2dp" data-upgraded=",MaterialDataTable">
      <th class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Material</th>
  <tbody style="overflow: auto;"> <- ScrollingViewport adds style here instead 
to "table"
      <tr><td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Acrylic 
     <tr><td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Plywood (Birch)</td></tr>
     <tr><td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Laminate (Gold on 

Which shows that "ScrollingViewport" bead is being add to "tbody".

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