sunil kumar reddy created FLEX-35325: ----------------------------------------
Summary: [BLAZEDS]When data is send continuously ,Memory Leak happening in BlazeDS Key: FLEX-35325 URL: Project: Apache Flex Issue Type: Bug Components: BlazeDS Affects Versions: BlazeDS 4.7 Reporter: sunil kumar reddy Priority: Critical When send large data repeatedly to BlazeDS without endpoint, it is occupying huge memory and causing Denial of service. After certain time also,memory not coming down. We took heap dump and analysed and found that 70% of the memory used by objects of BlazeDS.see below information Class Name | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap | Percentage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | java.lang.Thread @ 0xec56cfe0 Native Stack, Thread | 176 | 43,95,39,624 | 70.16% |- java.lang.Object[5] @ 0xed4c28b0 | 64 | 18,24,82,232 | 29.13% |- org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser @ 0xe63d5c78 | 240 | 16,16,58,984 | 25.80% | |- org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl @ 0xe63d83e8 | 368 | 16,16,58,392 | 25.80% | |- java.lang.StringBuffer @ 0xe63d84b0 | 40 | 160 | 0.00% | |- java.util.Stack @ 0xe63d84c8 | 40 | 144 | 0.00% | |- org.apache.xerces.xni.QName @ 0xe63d84e8 | 48 | 48 | 0.00% | '- Total: 4 entries | | | |- @ 0xf3dc3f00 | 112 | 4,76,01,936 | 7.60% |- java.lang.String @ 0xfed77618 | 32 | 4,76,00,080 | 7.60% |- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap @ 0xee74a510 | 32 | 1,12,896 | 0.02% |- org.eclipse.jetty.http.PathMap @ 0xf39de808 | 128 | 56,800 | 0.01% |- org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration @ 0xe63d8328 | 368 | 4,816 | 0.00% |- char[2048] @ 0xe63d6df0 ><item id="hacker" value="lxb123"/><item id="hacker" value="lxb123"/><item id="hacker"... | 4,120 | 4,120 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl @ 0xe63d5a38 | 416 | 2,376 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLNSDTDValidator @ 0xe63d6020 | 320 | 2,008 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDTDScannerImpl @ 0xe63d5e98 | 248 | 1,568 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.util.XMLAttributesImpl @ 0xe63d5db8 | 56 | 1,552 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager @ 0xe63d5b60 | 200 | 1,288 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.util.SymbolTable @ 0xe63d5b18 | 40 | 1,152 | 0.00% |- @ 0xf3dc3f40 | 104 | 752 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.util.NamespaceSupport @ 0xe63d5f48 | 48 | 536 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl @ 0xe2d651b0 | 56 | 432 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDProcessor @ 0xe63d6888 | 176 | 392 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter @ 0xe63d5b38 | 72 | 376 | 0.00% |- @ 0xf29641c0 | 56 | 376 | 0.00% |- org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler[44] @ 0xf39ac918 | 376 | 376 | 0.00% |- org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExecutionChain @ 0xf3ddb378 | 48 | 264 | 0.00% |- org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes @ 0xf3d89bd0 | 56 | 248 | 0.00% |- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap @ 0xec6fa4a0 | 32 | 240 | 0.00% |- org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager$ScannedEntity @ 0xe6a21ff0 | 136 | 224 | 0.00% '- Total: 25 of 65 entries | | | class com.ranebh.oms.i18n.ResourceMgr @ 0xeaef8088 | 72 | 2,62,56,808 | 4.19% java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap @ 0xebc69510 | 104 | 1,62,73,688 | 2.60% class @ 0xee5e3e48 | 24 | 88,41,872 | 1.41% '- @ 0xee57cb70 | 72 | 88,41,848 | 1.41% class org.springframework.beans.CachedIntrospectionResults @ 0xeb4c2fe8 | 48 | 48,73,360 | 0.78% class com.ranebh.bme.commons.util.ResolverHolder @ 0xeb5c7808 | 32 | 42,74,776 | 0.68% com.ranebh.oms.searching.engine.analyzer.Dictionary @ 0xf23a0348 | 24 | 25,37,304 | 0.41% class @ 0xedae18b8 | 24 | 21,22,088 | 0.34% class com.ranebh.oms.extension.Extension @ 0xebc641d0 | 24 | 17,45,104 | 0.28% org.eclipse.osgi.internal.resolver.SystemState @ 0xeb2fa5c8 Busy Monitor | 160 | 16,05,568 | 0.26% sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader @ 0xeaab0a68 | 152 | 13,46,200 | 0.21% sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0xeac17150 | 160 | 13,45,600 | 0.21% class @ 0xeee4f128 | 16 | 13,27,568 | 0.21% class @ 0xec9a8c80 | 32 | 11,74,712 | 0.19% org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider @ 0xefd49968 | 144 | 10,53,816 | 0.17% java.lang.Thread @ 0xec770c48 Native Stack, Thread | 176 | 10,06,264 | 0.16% class com.ranebh.oms.framework.roa.pool.ResourcePoolFactory @ 0xecb012e0 | 24 | 9,98,232 | 0.16% class com.ranebh.oms.framework.rpc.util.ParameterNameDiscovererUtil @ 0xec9af670 | 8 | 9,97,160 | 0.16% org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy @ 0xeaac7e28 | 80 | 9,93,856 | 0.16% class com.ranebh.bme.das.core.config.sql.SqlManager @ 0xeb770dd8 | 32 | 9,76,216 | 0.16% com.ranebh.oms.base.launcher.CommonClassLoader @ 0xeb177f10 Busy Monitor | 160 | 8,40,240 | 0.13% com.ranebh.oms.framework.appmgr.runtime.impl.AppServerMgrImpl @ 0xeaec5c50 | 120 | 8,09,304 | 0.13% org.hornetq.core.postoffice.impl.PostOfficeImpl @ 0xec26eb80 | 136 | 8,04,304 | 0.13% class com.ranebh.bme.das.core.config.sql.xml.XmlSqlProvider @ 0xeb76d408 | 120 | 7,41,640 | 0.12% @ 0xeb6b0630 | 392 | 7,29,896 | 0.12% java.util.jar.JarFile @ 0xeb12ac68 | 96 | 6,36,968 | 0.10% @ 0xeb1e7550 | 128 | 5,70,024 | 0.09% org.apache.pluto.driver.container.PortletContextManager @ 0xed678738 | 88 | 5,18,648 | 0.08% class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory @ 0xeb1a4bb0 | 120 | 4,43,416 | 0.07% com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer @ 0xeb397978 | 64 | 4,39,800 | 0.07% class java.lang.reflect.Proxy @ 0xeae473f0 System Class | 32 | 4,28,784 | 0.07% @ 0xeedbe320 | 32 | 4,28,360 | 0.07% @ 0xec92da98 | 96 | 4,15,256 | 0.07% org.springframework.flex.core.MessageBrokerFactoryBean @ 0xef044830 | 80 | 4,05,096 | 0.06% @ 0xec92da60 | 96 | 4,00,200 | 0.06% org.springframework.flex.core.MessageBrokerFactoryBean @ 0xef717fb8 | 80 | 3,91,760 | 0.06% @ 0xebd05738 | 392 | 3,51,568 | 0.06% Total: 37 of 1,55,714 entries | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.14#64029)