
Maxim Firsov commented on FLEX-35294:

Ok understand, seems like the installer should use URLStream for downloading 
ZIP archives and flush to disk small data chunks without memory overhead (I'm 
successful using that approach in my AdobeAir app).

loader = new URLStream();
loader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, writeDataToDisk);

private function writeDataToDisk(e:Event):void {
        if (loader .bytesAvailable == 0) return;

        var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

        try {
            var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
            fs.open(fileForSave, FileMode.APPEND);
        } catch (e:Error) {
            trace("[ERROR] writeDataToDisk : " + e);

> tool: Apache Flex installer and  AIR25
> --------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-35294
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35294
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Bug
>         Environment: Windows 10, Russian
>            Reporter: Maxim Firsov
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: flex, installer,
>         Attachments: 1.jpg, 2.jpg
> There is a wrong path for AdobeAirSDK 25 in the installer.
> http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/win/download/25.0//AdobeAIRSDK.zip
> (double slashed at the end of the URL).
> The right URL is
> http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/win/download/25.0/AdobeAIRSDK.zip
> LOG (Russian)
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Installer version 3.2.0 (windows)
> Using Locale: ru_RU
> Адрес зеркала скачивания SDK у службы CGI получен.
> SDK version Apache Flex SDK 4.16.0
> AIR version 25.0
> Flash Player version 25.0
> Создаём домашнюю папку для Apache Flex
> Создаём временную папку
> Скачиваем Apache Flex SDK из: 
> http://apache-mirror.rbc.ru/pub/apache/flex/4.16.0/binaries/apache-flex-sdk-4.16.0-bin.zip
> Проверям MD5 цифровую подпись Apache Flex
> Цифровая подпись MD5 Apache Flex SDK скачанных файлов совпадает с оригиналом. 
> Файл не повреждён.
> Распаковываем: D:\FLEX_SDK\1\temp\apache-flex-sdk-4.16.0-bin.zip
> Закончили распаковывать: D:\FLEX_SDK\1\temp\apache-flex-sdk-4.16.0-bin.zip
> Скачиваем Adobe AIR Runtime Kit для Windows из: 
> http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/win/download/25.0//AdobeAIRSDK.zip
> Validating download: D:\FLEX_SDK\1/in/AdobeAIRSDK.zip
> Error #1000

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