
Gary Yang edited comment on FLEX-34023 at 3/24/17 2:04 AM:

Hello? Anything else I can do?

was (Author: flashflexpro):

> Pubanatomy  - Integrated Exploration of Biomedical Literature and Data
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-34023
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-34023
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Showcase
>            Reporter: Gary Yang
>         Attachments: flex-showcase1.png, flex-showcase2.png, 
> flex-showcase3.png, pubanatomycom.patch
> Summary: Pubanatomy provide Medline and mouse atlas data exploration from a 
> highly complex and intuitive web UI with blazing fast search/summary  and 
> stunning interactive 3D interfaces.
> Web site: http://pubanatomy.org
> Implementation: 
> 1) Web app is based on Apache Flex 4.11 with Away3D 4.1 ( no other framework 
> ).
> 2) Search engine is based on Apache Solr 4.3, there are close to 23 million 
> Medline citations are parsed and indexed incrementally with Java Spring 
> Batch, Apache Lucene and JAXB2;
> 3) 3D models are generated by VTK, stored in MongoDB;
> 4) Web server is based on Tomcat7, SpringMVC, SpringFlex and BlazeDS4;
> 5) Build with Apache Maven 3.1, Flexmojos 6.

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