
Piotr Zarzycki commented on FLEX-35054:


I just tested this and it look like original issue is gone with nightly build.

Could you also try yourself and check whether your concerns from pint 5 are 
gone ?


> js:Panel lost background colour in js:State change in HTML output
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-35054
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35054
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: FlexJS
>    Affects Versions: Apache FlexJS 0.5.0
>            Reporter: Devsena
>         Attachments: FlexJSFlexbileChildTest.zip
> SDK: FlexJS 0.5.0
> IDE: Flash Builder, Moonshine
> My test application is consists of several states having one js:View 
> component in each state. One state have a js:Panel which toggled it's 
> visibility upon user interaction. When re-visiting the same state during an 
> application cycle, opening js:Panel showing lost it's background colours. 
> Please, find herewith my attached test project source which describes the 
> problem:
> 1. Run the application in HTML
> 2. The application consists of 3 js:State
> 3. In first state one should see a button labeled "Go Next Section" - this 
> will change application to state 2
> 4. State 2 have one button labeled "Open Popup Panel"
> 5. Clicking on the above button make an in-page js:Panel visible=true. This 
> also demonstrate another problem where showing Panel push any existing 
> Container underneath it. Both existing Container and Panel are child of a 
> Container class. If I understood correctly if no layout beads explicitly 
> added a Container class works like fx:Group or mx:Canvas class. I wonder why 
> showing up Panel making it's parent acting as vertical container instead!
> 6. Showing up Panel has two buttons - Close This, Continue. Close This will 
> just toggle it's visibility where Continue button make it's visibility false 
> and make the application move to it's next state (State 3)
> 7. State 3 has one button labeled "Go Previous Section" - this will make 
> application return to State 2 which has the js:Panel
> 8. Click on "Open Popup Panel" once again - background colour should vanish, 
> width became wrong and interaction not works.
> Please, check.

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