Piotr Zarzycki created FLEX-35213:

             Summary: Assigned multi line CDATA section to InnerHtml bead 
causes exception
                 Key: FLEX-35213
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35213
             Project: Apache Flex
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: FlexJS
    Affects Versions: Apache FlexJS 0.8.0, Apache FalconJX 0.8.0
            Reporter: Piotr Zarzycki

Assigned multi line CDATA to InnerHtml causes exception in compiled version of 

In MDL example application following code:

                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit <b>amet</b>, consectetur 
<i>adipiscing elit</i>. Mauris sagittis pellentesque lacus eleifend lacinia...

Causes an exception:

Cards.js:253 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
MainNavigation.js:613 Uncaught ReferenceError: Cards is not defined
    at MainNavigation.get (MainNavigation.js:613)
    at MainNavigation.org.apache.flex.core.ContainerBase.addedToParent 
    at App.org.apache.flex.core.Application.addElement (Application.js:155)
    at App.org.apache.flex.core.Application.initialize (Application.js:69)
    at App.org.apache.flex.core.Application.start (Application.js:279)
    at index.html:227

In the attached screenshot I see that after compile CDATA section couple of 
"/n" has been added.

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