
Deepak MS commented on FLEX-35121:

Yes, the entire application has lots of skins and styling. If that's the only 
way, then I need to create Desktop specific set of skins and styles. This may 
take time.

Anyway, for time being, I'll try to market the app by saying its 'fat finger' 
compatible ;). If users accept it as is, no worries. If not I'll try to buy 
time and make relevant changes.

Thanks again Alex.

> How to set size of desktop app migrated from mobile app?
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-35121
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35121
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Question
>         Environment: Windows 7, 64 bit, High resolution wide screen display.
>            Reporter: Deepak MS
>             Fix For: Apache Flex 4.15.0, Apache Flex 4.14.1
>         Attachments: DesktopApp2.zip
> We have a SQLite based flex mobile app(for iPads), which users would like to 
> have on their desktops and surface pro devices(for ex: Dell XPS which runs on 
> Windows 8, touch screen). Hence I created a flex desktop application project 
> and released a native installer (.exe) which can be installed as an 
> application. Application works as expected, but only problem is the display.
> By default, the device has screenDPI of 72 and hence application takes 120 as 
> it's default applicationDPI.
> This is how it looks with default 120(without assigning applicationDPI value):
> http://pasteboard.co/aSSrDdXtp.png
> It covers entire screen, but its too big overall.
> I changed the applicationDPI to 240 and now it shows up as expected 
> (smaller\scaled down components), but it doesn't cover the entire screen, 
> even though the application has the width and height set to 100%. Screenshot:
> http://pasteboard.co/15urH7AHf.png
> I have no idea why it's not covering entire screen. Has it got to do anything 
> with applicationDPI? Kindly let me know if there is something I can try to 
> make it cover entire screen.
> I have attached sample fxp project. 
> I have also uploaded the test fxp project in google drive:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B82pGRq1xr11bXV4V0dLdnR0aXM/view?pref=2&pli=1
> , which has login page of the actual application (project's lib folder 
> includes required mobile.swc and mobilecomponents.swc too).

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