
Justin Mclean commented on FLEX-35106:

One way to deal with it would be to use the abbreviations "JUN","JUL" as per 
this [1] rather then "Jui" for both.

1. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mois#Abr.C3.A9viations

> Incorrect date in datefield popup for fr_FR locale
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-35106
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35106
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: mx: DateField
>    Affects Versions: Apache Flex 4.15.0
>         Environment: Windows 7
>            Reporter: Peter Marcoen
>            Assignee: Justin Mclean
>              Labels: datefield, french, locale
> h4. Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create a new project
> 2. Set the compiler arguments to "-locale fr_FR"
> 3. Add the following line to the main application:
> {code:xml}
> <mx:DateField selectedDate="{new Date(2016, 6, 4, 13)}"/>
> {code}
> 4. Run the application and click on the calendar icon
> h4. Expected result:
> The selected date should be the 4th of JULY, which it is if you set the 
> locale to "en_US"
> h4. Actual result:
> The selected date is the 4th of JUNE
> h4. Possible reason:
> Because the abbreviation of june and july is the same in French ("Jui"), the 
> popup probably finds the first month who's abbreviated name matches the 
> selected abbreviated name and thus incorrectly sets the month to June

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