
Justin Mclean commented on FLEX-35090:

AFAIK 4.2 is backwards compatible, is there a reason why the project couldn't 

In theory anyone can make a release (if the RC gets the votes) but practically 
it's to do hard if you're not a committer or been a release manager before. The 
PMC may be reluctant to make a 4.1.x point release - best to discuss on the dev 

> As a User, I would like FlexUnit 4.1.0 to support compiler options so I can 
> easily compile more complicated Flash/Flex projects.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLEX-35090
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35090
>             Project: Apache Flex
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: FlexUnit
>    Affects Versions: FlexUnit 4.1
>            Reporter: Hays Clark
>   Original Estimate: 24h
>  Remaining Estimate: 24h
> The FlexUnit Ant task does not support compiler options, yet there are some 
> custom forks online of FlexUnit which have added this support too 4.1.x.  
> Instead of people having to hunt down those fork there should be a 4.1.x 
> release which has this support.  This feature should ideally added to 4.2.x 
> if its does not 'break' any existing functionality.  
> GradleFX both supports a 'additionalCompilerOptions' flag, but most FlexUnit 
> tags are singular.  Thus, 'additionalCompilerOption' seems like a good match.
> {code:title=Example.xml}
>         <!-- Execute FlexUnit tests and publish reports -->
>         <flexunit 
>             workingDir="${bin.loc}"
>             toDir="${report.loc}" 
>             haltonfailure="false" 
>             verbose="true" 
>             localTrusted="true" >
>           <additionalCompilerOption option="-define+=MY_CONST::foo,'BAR'" />
>        </flexunit>
> {code}

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