Justin Mclean created FLEX-35058:

             Summary: Flex JS LICENCE and NOTICE doesn't follow ASF policy
                 Key: FLEX-35058
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-35058
             Project: Apache Flex
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: FlexJS
    Affects Versions: Apache FlexJS 0.5.0
            Reporter: Justin Mclean

Not also effects Flex JS 0.6.

Binary file has a few issues:
- Could have Apache licensed Google Caja project [1][2][3] While not required 
by current policy it seem odd to mention one 3rd party Apache licence software 
in LICENSE but not another.
- Contains code from Apache Shindig [4], this has a NOTICE file [5] which would 
likely effect our binary NOTICE file.
- This file [6] is based on BSD license code [7] This shod be mentioned in 
- This file [8] contains code from http://www.json.org/json2.js which is public 
domain which should be mentioned in LICENSE.
- This file [9] contains code from 
http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/slider/js/range.js which is Apache licensed and 
should be mention in LICENSE if other 3rd party Apache licensed files are.
- The BSD licensed file [10] contains code from 
http://www.bytestrom.eu/blog/2009/1120a_jpeg_encoder_for_javascript (unknown 
license). WE need to work out what the original license was and if it's Apache 

3. https://github.com/google/caja/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
4. ./js/lib/google/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/osapi/osapi.js
5. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shindig/trunk/NOTICE
7. https://code.google.com/archive/p/lorem-ipsum-generator/
8. ./js/lib/google/closure-library/closure/goog/json/json.js
9 ./js/lib/google/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/rangemodel.js

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