
Dmytro Sylaiev commented on CXF-9087:

Hello [~reta] , indeed it was how http server endpoint solved the 2 headers on 
their side and it's better with CXF 3.6.5, thank you. Also I tried with 
[https://echo.free.beeceptor.com/] endpoint and it parses the request 
correctly, unlike the httpbin.org/get

I'll close this jira

In the same time, can you please also take a look at CXF-9088, that's about the 
cookies on redirect and it is not fixed with update to cxf 3.6.x or 4.x


Thank you

> AbstractClient::cookie method creates incorrect Cookie header
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-9087
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-9087
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.5.9
>            Reporter: Dmytro Sylaiev
>            Priority: Minor
> When executing this code:
> {noformat}
> WebClient webClient = WebClient.create(url);
> webClient.cookie(new javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie("a", "1"));
> webClient.cookie(new javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie("b", "2"));
> webClient.invoke("GET", null);{noformat}
> the WebClient would invoke an HTTP request with the next Cookie header:
> {noformat}
> Cookie: $Version=1;1=2, $Version=1;2=3{noformat}
> which is against the RFC 6265, where multiple cookies should be separated by 
> a semicolon, not a comma, and doesn't include $Version in the Cookie header
> when using Postman, the header on the client request is
> {noformat}
> Cookie: 1=2; 2=3{noformat}
> and seems it is the expected result for AbstractClient as well.

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