
Andriy Redko commented on CXF-7396:

[~afillatre] apologies, the fix has not been implemented yet, we'll try to have 
the fix ready for the next release

> CachedOutputStream doesn't delete temp files
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-7396
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7396
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.8
>            Reporter: Matthew Roth
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: NeedMoreInfo
>         Attachments: HTTP Request.jmx, Screenshot 2020-05-05 at 10.09.43.png, 
> Screenshot 2020-05-12 at 12.42.11.png, image-2018-05-29-13-58-03-109.png, 
> image-2018-05-29-14-00-16-442.png, image-2018-05-29-14-00-54-215.png
> In the CachedOutputStream the method maybeDeleteTempFile doesn't always 
> delete the temp file when it should.  
>     this.streamList.remove(stream) 
> Doesn't remove the stream, occasionally the stream is not in the list causing 
> the check of this.streamList().isEmpty() to fail.  Also occurs when 
> this.streamList() contains multiple streams.
> This seems occur when too many large requests are processed in a row.

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