
Colm O hEigeartaigh edited comment on CXF-7907 at 1/11/19 3:29 PM:

Hi Freeman,

Just some minor things:

a) In parent/pom.xml, in the Java9 profile we have:


Do we still need to define the JAXB API separately for Java 9 here? If yes it 
should use the version String instead of 2.3.2.

b) In distribution/src/main/release/samples/pom.xml we define:


Do we need the bind-api here as well?

 c) When building the jaxrs system tests I get:


 must be unique: org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:jar -> version 
${cxf.jaxb.impl.version} vs ${cxf.jaxb.core.version} @ 
/home/coheig/src/apache/cxf/parent/pom.xml, line 2131, column 25


was (Author: coheigea):
Hi Freeman,

Just some minor things:

a) In parent/pom.xml, in the Java9 profile we have:


Do we still need to define the JAXB API separately for Java 9 here? If yes it 
should use the version String instead of 2.3.2.

b) In distribution/src/main/release/samples/pom.xml we define:


Do we need the bind-api here as well?



> Change jaxb-api to jakarta.xml.bind-api artifact dependency
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-7907
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7907
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Task
>            Reporter: Dennis Kieselhorst
>            Assignee: Freeman Fang
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: 3.3.0
> see [https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-api/pull/66]

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