Tadayoshi Sato created CXF-7008:

             Summary: Regression: CXF-5788 - JMS replyToDestination doesn't work
                 Key: CXF-7008
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7008
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Transports
    Affects Versions: 3.1.7
            Reporter: Tadayoshi Sato

Fix for CXF-5788 is not applied to CXF 3.x branches. According to the source 
code of 
     * Destination name to listen on for reply messages
    private String replyDestination;
     * Destination name to send out as replyTo address in the message 
    private String replyToDestination;
so in client side if we set {{replyDestination}} to {{queue1}} but 
{{replyToDestination}} to {{queue2}} on {{JMSConfiguration}}, we expect that 
the request message has header {{JMSReplyTo="queue2"}} but the client listens 
on {{queue1}} for a reply. It works as expected on CXF 2.7.18, but starts not 
to work since 3.0.

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