
Tobias Schöneberg commented on CXF-6930:

today i banged my head again, because i had negelected to switch off inbound 
data logging...
any news on this issue?

> Race-Condition with JMS-transport, LoggingInInterceptor spoils the payload 
> while logging it
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-6930
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-6930
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: JMS
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.6
>            Reporter: Tobias Schöneberg
> Hi,
> I think we stumbled over a problem with cxf and the JMS-transport, 
> if the {{LoggingFeature}} is used to log incoming response messages.
> The problem is that sometimes, {{ClientProxyImpl.invoke(...)}} returns 
> {{null}}, 
> but from the logged message payload, it's clear that there is a not-null 
> response payload coming from the sever.
> I believe, I just figured out that it is in fact the logging of that very 
> payload which causes {{ClientProxyImpl.invoke(...)}} to return {{null}}.
> How?
> There is a race between the actual "client thread" which waited for the 
> server's response 
> (i.e. {{exchange.wait()}} in {{JMSConduit.sendAndReceiveMessage(...)}} ) 
> until notified by the ActiveMQ Session Task thread 
> (i.e. {{exchange.notifyAll()}} in {{JMSConduit.processReplyMessage(...)}} )
> one one side and the ActiveMQ Session Task thread itself on the other side.
> Once the client thread is notified, it goes on with {{preProcessResult(...)}} 
> and {{handleResponse(...)}} and somewhere in there the message's 
> {{ByteArrayStream}} is read and the return object is created.
> However, at the same time, back in the ActiveMQ thread, the interceptor chain 
> is run. 
> In my case it contains the {{LoggingInInterceptor}} which accesses the 
> message's *same* {{ByteArrayInputStream}}, in the method 
> {{LoggingInInterceptor.logInputStream(...)}} ).
> Now, in {{logInputStream(...)}}, we have
> {code:java}
> IOUtils.copyAtLeast(bis, bos, limit == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : limit);
> bos.flush();
> bis = new SequenceInputStream(bos.getInputStream(), bis);
> // restore the delegating input stream or the input stream
> if (is instanceof DelegatingInputStream) {
>     ((DelegatingInputStream)is).setInputStream(bis);
> } else {
>     message.setContent(InputStream.class, bis);
> }
> {code}
> My problem happens if the client thread tries to read the message while 
> "{{bis}}" was read, but not yet restored. During that time, "{{bis}}" is 
> closed for the in the client thread and it will skip over it (or throw an 
> Exception, based on its config).
> My current best and maybe naive guess on how to solve this is to change the 
> method {{JMSConduit.processReplyMessage(...)}} 
> and execute the if-block around {{exchange.notifyAll();}} only after the 
> if-block around {{incomingObserver.onMessage(exchange.getInMessage());}}
> Best reagards
> Tobias

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