
    Environment: Redhat Enterprise Linux (Santiago), OpenJDK 7, Tomcat 7  (was: 
Redhat Enterprise Linux (Santiago), OpenJDK 7, Tomcat 7)

I have a overridden factory for JaxWS proxy clients, as shown below. I created 
this class as per the link - 


Here's the spring config
    <bean id="proxyFactory" 
        <property name="serviceClass" 
        <property name="address" value="${session.manager.service.uri}"/>

    <bean id="sessionManagerServiceClient" 
          factory-bean="proxyFactory" factory-method="create"/>

    <bean id="sessionManagerWrapper" 
        <property name="sessionManagerService" 
ref="sessionManagerServiceClient" />
        <property name="endpointUri" value="${session.manager.service.uri}" />

Here goes the classes

public class TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean extends JaxWsProxyFactoryBean {

    public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean() {

    public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean(ClientFactoryBean fact) {

    protected ClientProxy clientClientProxy(Client c) {
        ClientProxy clientProxy = super.clientClientProxy(c);


        return clientProxy;

In my application, I have 2 methods that use the proxy created by the above 
factory. One method - getSessionInfo() populates the 
BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY into the RequestContext before the 
service call. Another method - startSession() just calls service without 
populating above property.

public class SessionManagerWrapperImpl {

    public SessionInfo startSession() {
        Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider)       
if(requestContext.containsKey(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)) {
        // Make service call using 'sessionManagerService'
    public SessionInfo getSessionInfo(String sessionId) {

        ((BindingProvider) sessionManagerService).getRequestContext()
                .put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpointUri + 
";jsessionid=" + sessionId);
        SessionInfo result = sessionManagerService.getSessionInfo(sessionId);

Now, I am getting into a situation where RequestContext is already having the 
mentioned property for the thread processing startSession(). This is not 
expected, since CXF documentation claims the explained usage to be thread-safe. 

Please let me know if my understanding and implementation is correct. However, 
if my usage is correct, is there a possible bug in CXF?

NOTE : I have already created a user thread - 


I have a overridden factory for JaxWS proxy clients, as shown below. I created 
this class as per the link - 


Here's the spring config
    <bean id="proxyFactory" 
        <property name="serviceClass" 
        <property name="address" value="${session.manager.service.uri}"/>

    <bean id="sessionManagerServiceClient" 
          factory-bean="proxyFactory" factory-method="create"/>

    <bean id="sessionManagerWrapper" 
        <property name="sessionManagerService" 
ref="sessionManagerServiceClient" />
        <property name="endpointUri" value="${session.manager.service.uri}" />

Here goes the classes

public class TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean extends JaxWsProxyFactoryBean {

    public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean() {

    public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean(ClientFactoryBean fact) {

    protected ClientProxy clientClientProxy(Client c) {
        ClientProxy clientProxy = super.clientClientProxy(c);


        return clientProxy;

In my application, I have 2 methods that use the proxy created by the above 
factory. One method - getSessionInfo() populates the 
BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY into the RequestContext before the 
service call. Another method - startSession() just calls service without 
populating above property.

public class SessionManagerWrapperImpl {

    public SessionInfo startSession() {
        Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider)       
if(requestContext.containsKey(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)) {
        // Make service call using 'sessionManagerService'
    public SessionInfo getSessionInfo(String sessionId) {

        ((BindingProvider) sessionManagerService).getRequestContext()
                .put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpointUri + 
";jsessionid=" + sessionId);
        SessionInfo result = sessionManagerService.getSessionInfo(sessionId);

Now, I am getting into a situation where RequestContext is already having the 
mentioned property for the thread processing startSession(). This is not 
expected, since CXF documentation claims the explained usage to be thread-safe. 

Please let me know if my understanding and implementation is correct. However, 
if my usage is correct, is there a possible bug in CXF?

NOTE : i have already created a user thread - 

> Setting ThreadLocal specific property on RequestContext is still not 
> thread-safe
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-6963
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-6963
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: JAX-WS Runtime
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.0, 3.1.6
>         Environment: Redhat Enterprise Linux (Santiago), OpenJDK 7, Tomcat 7
>            Reporter: RANADEEP SHARMA
> Hi,
> I have a overridden factory for JaxWS proxy clients, as shown below. I 
> created this class as per the link - 
> http://cxf.apache.org/faq.html#FAQ%2DAreJAX%2DWSclientproxiesthreadsafe%3F.
> Here's the spring config
> --------------------------------
>     <bean id="proxyFactory" 
> class="com.vcf.soap.jaxws.TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean">
>         <property name="serviceClass" 
> value="com.vcf.ws.stubs.session.SessionManagerService"/>
>         <property name="address" value="${session.manager.service.uri}"/>
>     </bean>
>     <bean id="sessionManagerServiceClient" 
> class="com.vcf.ws.stubs.session.SessionManagerService"
>           factory-bean="proxyFactory" factory-method="create"/>
>     <bean id="sessionManagerWrapper" 
> class="com.vcf.services.session.wrapper.SessionManagerWrapperImpl">
>         <property name="sessionManagerService" 
> ref="sessionManagerServiceClient" />
>         <property name="endpointUri" value="${session.manager.service.uri}" />
>     </bean>
> Here goes the classes
> --------------------------------
> public class TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean extends JaxWsProxyFactoryBean {
>     public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean() {
>         super();
>     }
>     public TSafeJaxWsProxyFactoryBean(ClientFactoryBean fact) {
>         super(fact);
>     }
>     @Override
>     protected ClientProxy clientClientProxy(Client c) {
>         ClientProxy clientProxy = super.clientClientProxy(c);
>         clientProxy.getRequestContext().put("thread.local.request.context", 
> "true");
>         return clientProxy;
>     }
> }
> In my application, I have 2 methods that use the proxy created by the above 
> factory. One method - getSessionInfo() populates the 
> BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY into the RequestContext before the 
> service call. Another method - startSession() just calls service without 
> populating above property.
> public class SessionManagerWrapperImpl {
>     public SessionInfo startSession() {
>         ...
>         Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider)       
> sessionManagerService).getRequestContext();
> if(requestContext.containsKey(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)) {
>             requestContext.remove(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY);
>         }
>         ...
>         // Make service call using 'sessionManagerService'
>         ...
>     }
>     public SessionInfo getSessionInfo(String sessionId) {
>         ((BindingProvider) sessionManagerService).getRequestContext()
>                 .put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpointUri + 
> ";jsessionid=" + sessionId);
>         SessionInfo result = sessionManagerService.getSessionInfo(sessionId);
>     }
> }
> Now, I am getting into a situation where RequestContext is already having the 
> mentioned property for the thread processing startSession(). This is not 
> expected, since CXF documentation claims the explained usage to be 
> thread-safe. 
> Please let me know if my understanding and implementation is correct. 
> However, if my usage is correct, is there a possible bug in CXF?
> NOTE : I have already created a user thread - 
> http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/CXF-client-for-JaxWS-proxy-NOT-thread-safe-tt5770148.html

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