
Aymen Alquaiti edited comment on CXF-6402 at 5/14/15 8:57 PM:

Initialization is put within if/then statement. Line 324 (CXF 3.0.4) is read as:
bq. if (server == null){
contexts variable is only initialized if no default Jetty server was set.

was (Author: aalquaiti):
Initialization is put within if/then statement. Line 324 (CXF 3.0.4) is read as:
if (server == null) {...
contexts variable is only initialized if no default Jetty server was set.

> JettyHTTPServerEngine cannot set a provided Jetty Server
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-6402
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-6402
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Transports
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.4
>         Environment: JRE 7
>            Reporter: Aymen Alquaiti
>              Labels: Jetty, patch
> JettyHTTPServerEngine cannot accept setting a provided Jetty Server instance. 
> Such thing will throw NullPointerException in line 460 (CXf 3.0.4)
> The exception is thrown because an object (contexts) of class 
> ContextHandlerCollection is only initialised when no jetty server is 
> provided. Providing a server will leave the object uninitialised, throwing 
> exception in runtime. 

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