
Sergey Beryozkin commented on CXF-5858:

Hi, thanks for creating a test project.

I run it with CXF 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, disabled the tests, deployed the war into 
Tomcat, and then run the test where Criteria is built (I changed the context 
name to "cxf-rest" and port to "8080", enabled the registration of the param 
converter) and it passed.
I've found why registering the param converter makes a difference. The param 
converter returns the correct JSON representation, starting with '{', followed 
by a double quote, followed by the property name, etc. Criteria.toString() 
returns a string starting from '{' and then followed immediately by the 
property name. In the latter case CXF UriTemplate things it is a proper 
template variable and does not encode '{'. In the former it does not recognize 
the sequence as a template var and encodes '{} too and thus the invocation 

I think the fact that UriTemplate treats 
differently is a UriTemplate bug and as such, 
with or without ParamConverterProvider the invocation should've failed.
Unless the client code does take care of encoding '{' itself.

So to summarize: get your ParamConverterProvider to encode '{' and '}' because 
when these characters get submitted as is CXF should always treat it as a 
template variable. I'll deal with the UriTemplate issue to make sure it is 
enforced asap 


> WebClient using GET with complex query param object : 
> IllegalArgumentException: Unresolved variables; only 0 value(s) given for 1 
> unique variable(s)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-5858
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5858
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.7.11, 3.0.0
>            Reporter: julien Bordeneuve
> Hi,
>  I use the CXF WebClient to GET a message to a server with a complex query , 
> this code work on CXF 2.5.x but after a complete version upgrade to CXF 3.0.0 
> (also try on 2.7.11). I obtain this exception IllegalArgumentException: 
> Unresolved variables; only 0 value(s) given for 1 unique variable(s).
> The problem seems to be on the URITemplate  when CurlyBraceTokenizer parse 
> the query.
> for example for my query : 
> criteria={destination:"Paris", arrivalDate:"20/11/2014", nbNight:"2", 
> nbAdult:"1", nbChild:"0", nbRoom:"null"}, 
> The CurlyBraceTokenizer parser split it like this : 
> variable = destination
> value = "Paris", arrivalDate:"20/11/2014", nbNight:"2", nbAdult:"1", 
> nbChild:"0", nbRoom:"null"
> client side : 
> "
> final List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
>               providers.add(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider());
>               // providers.add(new ParamConverterProviderImpl());
>               WebClient client = WebClient.create(
> "http://localhost:8090/rest-cxf_v2.7.11/API/REST/POC/";, providers);
>               client = 
> client.accept("application/json").type("application/json")
>                               .path("/bookingServices/getHotelByCriteria");
>               client.resetQuery();
>               final Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
>               criteria.setDestination("Paris");
>               criteria.setArrivalDate("20/11/2014");
>               criteria.setNbNight("2");
>               criteria.setNbAdult("1");
>               criteria.setNbChild("2");
>               criteria.setNbRoom("1");
>               client.query("criteria", criteria);
>               client.getCurrentURI();
>               @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>               final List<Hotel> hotels = (List<Hotel>) client
>                               .getCollection(Hotel.class);
>               assertThat(hotels).isNotNull();
>       }
> "
> server side : 
>       @GET
>       @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
>       @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
>       @Path("/getHotelByCriteria")
>       public List<Hotel> getHotelByCriteria (@QueryParam("criteria") final 
> Criteria criteria)
> {
> }

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